Author Topic: Wow!!!  (Read 969 times)

Offline Panzzer

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« Reply #15 on: January 22, 2006, 10:09:04 AM »
Yes, thank you to all who were on yesterday, I had a great time there!

We (Lentolaivue 32) have our squad night on saturdays in the AvA, I'll go post about those in the squad forum - to have some more crazy Finns in there next week. :)
Panzzer - Lentorykmentti 3

Offline Spiked

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« Reply #16 on: January 22, 2006, 10:20:39 AM »
Originally posted by Pooface
true, but if we organise a time, more people will be online, more fun

and it means that people who missed out get another chance, and they know when it will happen

ps. working on film at the moment, hope for it to be done today. should be cool :D

Poo I have a film of that original mission that ended in a furball at 20k feet.  If you want it let me know.

Was great fun and I will be passing through the AvA more often.

Offline StarOfAfrica2

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« Reply #17 on: January 22, 2006, 11:33:52 PM »
Took time out from work around the house today and logged in, and again found a good number of people.  Not only that, there was STILL a good number of people online at 10pm Eastern time.  You know how long its been since I've seen ANYONE in there at 10pm EST?  Let alone a crowd of over 20.  Sides remained fairly balanced, and while there were the standard HO complaints coming from both sides, even those didnt seem quite so bad tempered as usual.  Plenty of newbies joined in to check things out, plenty of burnt out MA fliers, and a good mix of regulars made this a real fun weekend.  Thanks to all of you for keeping things light and fun!

P.S.:  Things are always alot of fun when LLv has a squad night!  I still remember plenty of times flying AGAINST them on the Fin/Rus map.  While things havent quite reached the level of fun it was before AH2, its getting close.  Alot of that is due to the staff, but more of it is due to the players.  Thanks guys.  I'm really glad to see this arena coming back into its own.

Offline hogenbor

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« Reply #18 on: January 23, 2006, 04:04:03 AM »
Had good fun yesterday again. Some guy offered to be my wingman (forgot his name already, sorry) but it turned out to be very difficult for the both of us to fly as a team. Soon the 109's were all over us and we lost sight of each other.

I'm pleasantly surprised by the turn-up. Being Europe based, usually there is no-one one during the hours I play, but last night 36 people were on!

Had a friend over to watch some videos and showed him the game. It was beautiful, diving down into a furious furball just of the French coast with my Hurri, shooting the wing off a 110, zooming back up and being jumped by three 109's. Down to the deck towards friendlies with the 109's in pursuit, evading them with black-out turns, suddenly planes all around me, enemy and friendly. Look behind me, a 109 a 600 yards, maneuvering into position, time for a hard break turn, view back to forward and at that exact moment I see a 109 large as life flying right into me. Oops. Undoubtedly this happend irl too, two pilots evading and hitting each other. Great fun.

And what amazes me most is that I still maintain a 2:1 K/D :D