Author Topic: Uncle Sam Wants Your Google Search Records  (Read 1842 times)

Offline Silat

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Uncle Sam Wants Your Google Search Records
« Reply #90 on: January 25, 2006, 11:38:48 PM »
Originally posted by Cobra412
No one is saying that this bill will protect us from every attack that could possibly be done. Anyone who thinks that is an idiot. What it can do is allow the government to work freely on gathering intelligence from known terrorist groups and some previously unknown groups without the hinderance of filing for a warrant for every last tap or having to wait for one when they get last minute info on a meeting of some type.  

Yea  like the quaker group they have been watching.. Or the antiwar groups. Or those pesky flight sim dweebs.
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Offline BluKitty

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Uncle Sam Wants Your Google Search Records
« Reply #91 on: January 26, 2006, 06:41:19 AM »
Originally posted by Cobra412
No one is saying that this bill will protect us from every attack that could possibly be done. Anyone who thinks that is an idiot. What it can do is allow the government to work freely on gathering intelligence from known terrorist groups and some previously unknown groups without the hinderance of filing for a warrant for every last tap or having to wait for one when they get last minute info on a meeting of some type. These groups work very fast and time is critical. A 15 minute meeting that could have considerable amount of information is here and gone in an instant.

Several facts you seem to be ignorant of.....

the FISA court allows wiretapping without a warrant.... Bush etc. are simply required to submit the affidavit for the warrant within three days.  

The FISA court was created in response to Nixon, who claimed to need wiretapping  for national secuirty.... sound familar?

Nixon used wiretapping etc. aginst political opposition.... and we all know Bush is above that :lol

Originally posted by DoctorYO Every single packet you send has a mac address in the protocol to get your information from point A to point B .. this same mac address info will most likely be logged at one of the main points that gets info from point A to B.. (capture some packets and youll see every packet has a mac..)

MAC's can be spoofed(faked).... and you almost seem to be implying that MAC's are routed? .. which they arn't, after the LAN.... it's all IP..... Look up ARP if you don't know what I mean.  

So most people use DHCP, and a given MAC can be log'd when an IP is passed out, however... the forensicly correct way to do this would be to log the customer data from a point they 'cannot' affect....which most major ISPs do.

so in otherwords you can't be anonymous from home .... but not for the reasons you are saying :)

Go 'wardriving' or goto a coffe shop hotspot or something and spoof your MAC..... then your anonymous.  Last 2600 I saw,(autumn) had a nice article on how to build 'belivable' MAC addresses... like Intels WiFi MAC's always start with 00 etc etc.....

Offline Cobra412

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Uncle Sam Wants Your Google Search Records
« Reply #92 on: January 26, 2006, 10:10:24 AM »
Then if it is as you say BluKitty then why ask for this bill in the first place? Also why aren't all the paranoid freaks screaming and whinning about this law? I mean from what your saying it's easy to do and half of our tinfoil hat wearers could be under the governments eye already. You guys might want to add a few layers tinfoil.

It really doesn't matter much anyway. Considering the folks on here who are paranoid are only a small percentage of the millions who think and act just like them. Wait until they are affected directly and have family members or close friends die to an attack (no matter how small it may be). Then they'll scream that the government failed to do its job and protect them.

By the way I have already given up all my rights to unwarranted search and seizures and monitoring voluntarily.

Offline BluKitty

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Uncle Sam Wants Your Google Search Records
« Reply #93 on: January 26, 2006, 08:12:22 PM »
It's actually HARDER than it used to be .... do you know your recent history?.... do you know of a person named Hoover?  What about Nixon....?

The FISA court was created in response to Nixon's abuse of executive power.   It is supposed to be a judical supervision, implemented by congress, to check  excutive power.   Nixon used the excuse of 'National Security' to spy on political opponents.... This is fundmently wrong and pervasive to a democracy, so after Nixon the FISA court was created.  This keeps the excutive branch from useing wiretaps for such political ends.  The FISA court, in nearly 30 years of service has only ruled aginst 4 wire-tap requests...... But the point is ... with FISA in place the unfounded wire-taps won't be approved(hopefully).  It keeps them honest, it keeps them from spying on political opposition like Nixon did.

The claim that FISA slows down wiretapping is absurd.  They have THREE DAYS too supply the court with an affidavit, AFTER a wiretap has been put in place.  The court will then decide if wiretap warrent is judicaly logical, Not the executive branch......

It's all about checks and balances...

Speaking on Google & Yahoo  .... that is not a law or bill or anything.... It was simply a request from the govement that Yahoo complied with, while Google did not.  Take that up with the corperation, not the goverment.  Just like Verizon wouldn't release customer data to the RIAA.

I fail to see how it's paraniod to worry about the goverment following the law.    You really should stop makeing such ill-informed personal attacks.  You make a huge assumption thinking I don't know people that used to work at the WTC......We thought one family freind was dead for like a week, turned out he was on an unplaned vacation that he won/earned from a company bonus or something.

To me what Bush is doing seems like a systematic attack on the judical systems power and independance.  The excutive branch DOES NOT interpret the law.

Here's another intresting read on the path of our judical system.

When they went after the muslims, I didn't speak up because I wasn't a muslim?

Offline Sandman

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Uncle Sam Wants Your Google Search Records
« Reply #94 on: February 01, 2006, 12:27:47 AM »
There is a solution: TOR.

Offline Pooh21

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Uncle Sam Wants Your Google Search Records
« Reply #95 on: February 01, 2006, 01:49:54 AM »
Originally posted by BluKitty

When they went after the muslims, I didn't speak up because I wasn't a muslim?
I didnt speak up because I never plan on strapping a bomb to myself.
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