Author Topic: hidden gv's  (Read 560 times)

Offline Brenjen

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hidden gv's
« on: January 25, 2006, 11:29:36 PM »
There are places on the maps where gv's can "fall through" the terrain & become invisible. I have seen this before on maps but never knew how to find those spots again; recently I discovered an enemy flak panzer in one of these spots at the base of a shore battery. Turns out; as many of you already know, (sorry to be a Johnny come lately-but I just found out) this can be repeated just by driving up next to the battery. You become completely invisible to the enemy (& friendlies).  If you pick up supplies while in this glitch it will flip you upside down & more supplies will not right you again. I am sick of losing perks to invisible gv's. Now that I know about the shore batteries I can avoid them, to some extent, but not the other trick spots you don't know exist until it'stoo late.

 Regards; Brenjen

Offline Brenjen

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only image I have
« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2006, 12:50:52 PM »
I found a screen shot of the "hidden T-34" incident. It was not at the shore batt. but is one of the random spots you can find now & then on different maps. Myself & three or four other gv's were there & you can see how close too it we are & one by one, he knocked us off. I have deleted the film I had of it after I sent it in all those months ago, & after I got a P.M. telling me "film it because we at HTC can't duplicate it"  I tried but; I can't get anyone to help me film at a shore batt. They all say the same thing..."been there - done that" They all say they have filmed/reported etc. and HTC never fixes it. Because of this no one wants to waste their time trying again. If anyone at HTC is interested I have the screen shot, I would attach it here but....

Offline Mystic2

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hidden gv's
« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2006, 11:32:55 AM »
this happened yesterday (Feb 2) .  We were defending A18 from gv attack coming from A19.  There was an individual tank that worked his way around to the SB, and then disappeared.  I was taking hits from him... I could see the rounds, but not the tank.  I kept moving around to avoid the hits.  There were several planes straffing the area, but could not see him.  There was also a friendly tiger at the top of the SB and he came down the side of the embankment right over the head of the "invisible" panzer.  He could see the rounds, but not the panzer.  After I took enuff hits and was killed, the person said that he kept moving up, firing, then backing up.... but nobody could see him until AFTER he left the SB area.. then of course I had to drop a bomb on him..... lol..... anyway..... point is, I was ticked, but then realized that it wasnt his fault, he just took advantage of a bug that really needs fixed.. just thought I would put my 2 cents worth in.:noid

Also, Brenjen, I did take film of the rounds coming from the SB.... I can clip it down some and send it if you need it...... just let me know
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Offline CalDe1

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hidden gv's
« Reply #3 on: February 06, 2006, 04:49:55 PM »
I think that was me, As soon as I realized I was Invisable to all I moved out from the SB. The funny thing about it is when you man the Pintle gun or hull gun you see yourself and the SB is quit visible, it looks like your next to it and not inside it. I killed the panzer and just stopped right there, looking down the hill and picking my targets. wondered why i'de take fire and hits but no killing shots on my tiger. I thought I was doing so well to get 15 kills and return to land them. Hope HTC gets that fixed. Oh by the way I did not care for the LTAR making threats, I thought they were a better bunch of guys than that.

Offline Brenjen

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« Reply #4 on: February 08, 2006, 01:49:36 PM »
I have film of a glitch on the "Fester map"....not of the shore batt. but of a random glitch between V bases. I have the panzer going in & out of the spot slowly. It is identical in nature to the shore batt. glitch. It seems to me to be double layering of the terrain; possibly a problem when the map was created? I am tired of losing vehicle points to this problem; I.M.O. HTC owes me about 700 perkies (conservative estimate) on lost Tigers up to this point! Now; where do I post or submit this film for review so someone will actually fix it?

Offline crims

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hidden gv's
« Reply #5 on: February 12, 2006, 06:10:20 PM »
Also Sat 2-11-06 there was a GV inside a Building that has a Radar tower next to it. It was by V69 < Not sure of map name > He was able to shoot out but I was unable to hit him inside the building.  Also mad I couldn't find a way in.:mad:
Not sure if this was a Bug or your able to drive into these buildings.

479th Raiders FG
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Offline Brenjen

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hidden gv's
« Reply #6 on: February 12, 2006, 09:59:14 PM »
I've run into that little glitch as well Crims. I'm still waiting for someone to tell me where to send this film I shot to have it looked at.

Offline Brenjen

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film sent
« Reply #7 on: February 13, 2006, 09:21:44 AM »
O.K. I sent my film to Sudz; in case anyone is following this thread. Let's see what happens. I'll send it to anyone that is curious or G.V'rs who want to see where that "shot outta the blue" came from, just P.M. me & I'll get it right off to you.

Offline Brenjen

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The fix is in the works....
« Reply #8 on: February 13, 2006, 06:23:18 PM »
....according to Sudz; the next AH release will have the terrain glitch fixed! He offered to explain the nuts & bolts of it all but I'm just a simple country man & wouldn't understand it anyway. So three cheers & a hip-hip-hooray for Sudz & Hi-tech! Let's hope all goes well & we never see that death trap again.

Offline Lye-El

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Re: The fix is in the works....
« Reply #9 on: February 14, 2006, 01:35:17 PM »
Originally posted by Brenjen
....according to Sudz; the next AH release will have the terrain glitch fixed!

He didn't happen to say when the next release is going to be did he?;)

i dont got enough perkies as it is and i like upen my lancs to kill 1 dang t 34 or wirble its fun droping 42 bombs

Offline Brenjen

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hidden gv's
« Reply #10 on: February 14, 2006, 09:31:38 PM »
No he didn't, here's the copy of the E-mail he sent me.

 Subject: Re: terrain glitch

Hey Brent,

Thanks for sending in the film. We've located the bug and the fix is
the works! You're film was instumental in finding it. If you're
about the details I can send you the minutia of the nuts and bolts, but
only if you're prepared to hear about colliders and how the terrain is

Anyway, the fix will be in the next release (although we haven't set a
for it yet).

Thanks again,
- sudz