The RAE flew a 190 straight from ops. I'd relly like to know how much flighttime they had with i.e. Faber's aircraft before the engine failed.
relly is spelled “really”. Flighttime is two words…Flight Time.
They did not have a usable quantity of C3 for flight testing and had to use 100/130 grade. Hence the bench test report above AFTER the conduct of the tactical trials.
You have explained before that Faber's aircraft was derated. Ok. Not unique since it was a squadron service aircraft. So derated because of engine issues - on the line.
All BMW801's are de-rated when new for the first 10 hours of operational use. This is called a "break in period."
Some BMW801D2's before June 1942 were locally "derated". Geschwaders operated both "normal" and de-rated engines side by side and the reporting of "de-rated" motors drops off the Beanstandungen's after June 1942.
Bear in mind that in the WW2 Nazy Gemany, the environment for true reports is not always friendly, and up to leathal to the announcer. I keep wondering how many are total belivers in reports created in an environment where the wrong numbers could send you to the "rot front".
Leathal should read “lethal”. Belivers is what? A small liver or do you mean “believers”.
As opposed to total believers in reports created in an environment where the wrong numbers could cause you to starve to death? Or destroy your family economically?
I don't think that is a very valid concern and implies that all Germans were lying.
If anything deceit would be much more dangerous than the truth.
It was a totalitarian government but a free market economy. The flaky reports are those dealing with race, religion, and Nazi party beliefs. Science, especially the more mundane aeronautics is hardly suspect.
All the best,