I have no interest in capturing any territory in the AvA. I want the dates to reflect ownership.
What are the bombers to be used for, it there are no targets worth hitting though. What are the penalties for letting bombers reach an airbase, if hangers regen in 1 minute? Radar? Yaaayyy.
The fun of bombing is getting there, and getting the bombs out..and saying there, we made it in now lets get out. But if the bombs have no real effect...then the bomb crews will have no interest.
Then you wont have a true ww2 airwar. You have a historically setup fighter combat arena. One that mainly flies between A46 and A15, to allow the quickest dogfights, usually between 7k and the deck with a few exceptions.
I love to fly fighters. But at times I enjoy bombing missions. But I want them to mean something. If Im gonna be a chewtoy, I want to have a chance at peeing in their Cheerios if we get thru, and making them feel like "Next time we better stop them!".
If both sides would plan missions, the bomber and intercept of it...alot of fun could be had. Unfortunately there are too many folks that want to do as little as possible, and soak up as much of their style of fun, while squashing other's types of fun to make it work on a regular basis.