The way I see it, religious people should only take care of the people following the same religion. If a moslem drinks beer, then other moslems may put him straight. If a christian thinks that evolutionism is more logical than creationism, then other christians may brainwash him about the unequivocal truth of creationsism (using ID to lure him into their trap).
If I, non-moslem and non-christian, decide to draw Mahomet and JC going at it in a cheap motel room, it's my F.....G right (or my F.....G problem if you prefer). For both religions, I'm already damned. So what difference will make a little drawing? The fact that you're judging the drawing funny, bad taste or exciting (not that there's anything wrong with that) doesn't matter.
I stand completely behind the danes and I'm p....d off big time with the catholic church siding with the moslems. They whine that the 'sacred' isn't respected anymore in Europe. Well, respect can't be forced, it must be earned. If the 'sacred' (all religions included) hadn't such a violent of unjust history, the situation might be different.
On a side note, I can see that the 'holy' Seagoon doesn't miss an opportunity to attack the 'evil islam'. While I'm baffled by the amount of violences committed because of some silly drawings, this kind of reaction is sadly ironic. First, the quran (spelling) states that moslems can't attack churchs from other religions. This is somewhat contradictory with his theory that Islam is intolerant.
The way I see it, fundamentalist Islam is certainly gaining 'votes' upon the tolerant, 'lukewarm' way to follow this religion. One could advance that Islam has now reached the same point than the catholic church at the high times of the Inquisition.
This put christians on a weak footing to point fingers at the violences committed in the name of allah.