The pathetic whining of "the refs beat us" crap is getting old. The underlying tone to all of it is that seattle played well but was ONLY held back from winning by the refs...and that is flat out wrong. the refs were not playing the game. the refs didnt have a 75 yd run broke off in them, or a trick play(in the super bowl). the list of mistakes by seattle are listed, so the crying like they played well is what im talking about when i say, get over it. both teams played like crap, seattle just worse. and yes, there was a imo, 2 bad penalties, which were surrounded by bad plays.
holding_next play, casey hampton sack to push 3rd and real long. A good team playing well would of overcome the penalty, real or not. next play?
interception and during return_low block. once again, the interception is what is key in that sentence. the refs didnt throw the pick, they didnt blow that drive.
I understand being upset, thinking your team shoulda won, but they shoulda won if they played better...not the refs winning it for them. I wanted pitt to play better, that for dang sure. They ended up playing just well enough not to lose, while seattle played to lose.