Author Topic: Air Force enlistment questions  (Read 576 times)

Offline JTs

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Air Force enlistment questions
« Reply #30 on: February 11, 2006, 06:22:10 PM »
go to college.  i joined the navy right out of high school because i didnt want to go to veitnam. i went to gunnery school thought it would be pretty safe. wrong choice. i wound up on pcf-50. dont let this happen to you

On 16 May 1970, PCFs 50, 64 and 692 were proceeding east on the Song Dam Doi, when all units were taken under heavy automatic weapons fire and rocket attack.   PCF-50 was hit amidships, by 125mm launch bomb, and suffered a 5'x6' hole.   PCF-64, astern, was hit by a B-40 rocket, on the fantail, killing two (2) US Navy personnel and wounding three (3) US Navy and four (4) Kit Carson Scouts.   All units returned fire and spotted for seawovles and black ponies as they placed strikes.  PCF-50 was stripped of all weapons and most of its gear, and then left in the river, because of the extensive amount of damage suffered.

say this each nite before bed. ummm i will go to college i will go to college ummmm.
repeat as needed.