Author Topic: The Latest 9/11 conspiresists  (Read 1575 times)

Offline Speed55

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The Latest 9/11 conspiresists
« Reply #90 on: February 16, 2006, 04:29:24 AM »
I was there when it all happened attending a technical school. I had the same view as you saw on tv, but from the window of a classroom. And when the 2nd plane hit I tell you, it was freakish, kinda like watching a movie or something, cause none of us could believe it was real.
After finding out about the other  planes i called home to make sure everyone was ok, and accounted for.
I was walking towards  the subway-which in retrospect was probably a stupid idea- to get home. On the way there i stopped to watch the 1st tower collapse,  just like you saw on tv, except they didn't have a camera showing grown men and women falling to the floor screaming, and crying for loved ones that they knew were dead.
These people with there conspiracy theories are out of there minds.
To our G.W.B. who made the call, and our military who are out there risking there lives to make sure these  mother  &%$^ing, &^*% sucking animals get what they deserve!
The saddest part about it is that even after something like that, people here are still too stupid to wake up. I read some other threads about lefties, and let me tell you, you aint seen nothing till you come to ny.
I feel.... like the human characters from planet of the apes must have felt.
"The lord loves a hangin', that's why he gave us necks." - Ren & Stimpy

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