Yes, the scene have pretty Unreal look.
Here is mine “From Blender to Aces High: simple LOD-less ground object".
You need two work versions from your texture: one with a RGB palette for Blender and on with indexed palette for EO.
EDIT! Indexed texture files are working fine in my another PC, which have a NVidia GPU. Hmmm, ATI vs NVidia GPU + driver voodoo, spiced with BIOS versions and moon position...
Made a following folder tree:
* ah2editor (official TE folder)
.........* 3Ds (just a folder for custom object projects)
..................* XYZ (folder named after your object name)
.* Blender_files (Blender files & RGB texture)
.* AC3D_files (AC3D files & Indexed texture)
No more worries about proper texture file palettes. Also your project files will stay in good order.
1. Blender for design and texturing (check that Noob-to-Pro tutor):
- Design your ground object to the end.
- center the object
- Texture it with RGB-palette *.bmp file.
- Export object in AC3D format to the AC3D_files folder.
2. AC3D for checking:
- Check the possible design problems.
- Check the object center position.
- Check the correct texture appearing & mapping.
3. Text editor for hierarchy tree, object properties and AH materials:
- open your new object AC3D file.
- Open OE exported ground object file or prepared template file.
- copy/Paste your object geometry&surface data to OE exported file.
- set the proper texture name and material for surfaces with Replace.
4. AC3D for final checking.
5. AH Object Editor for finishing the job
- convert the AC3D object file and close the OE.
- delete the cache folder.
- reopen the OE again and check the result.
The design phases takes normally most of your time. The rest are done with in few minutes.
AH-OE exported objects to Blender
Before you import *.ac object file to the Blender, you must change textures color palettes to the RGB mode.
All sub-objects will import ok but non-used AH material definitions, hierarchy tree and object properties will disappear.
Here is picture from imported AH object FUB2.ac (fuel truck).
http://warezhouze.1g.fi/Here/AH/pics/FUB2_in_Blender2.jpgI assigned each sub-shape to the separate layers. The down-right window in a texture mapping window.
Nice thing is that the Save function is saving the current screen configuration for next time.