just so yall know,yes my post level is low(lost my last account)but im not new,ive been flying tods as a co/xo for 4 years now.ive run at least 5.the rules are flawed,allways have been.
we have a gentelmans agrement.its we all take off at the same time,in certain planes,from certain fields,and attack certain targets in a certain amount of time.what more do you need?10 paces?whose to say i cant send everyone down one path?what, just cause you didnt think of it?its not like its a garunteed win?send attackers hit the targets and land,no deaths?you win.but no,you choose to keep going and try to deffened and attack more?so you die?thats just poor leadership.dont think it was fun?then suggest a rule change
i suggest a rule change right now
the cm cant get on country channel and floood the text with questions of weather some thing was hit or not,ignore responses given by the mission leader,then start making threats of penalties and throwing an entier squad out because hes getting frustrated that he has no idea whats going on or who hes even talking to.if he cant find out if 49 was hit,how the heck can i be expected to know?
i was asked 9 times if 49 was hit by the cm.i asked the squad assigned to it and got no response15 times.and responded on country 30 times.was then told that wasnt good enough.it pulled me away from the end of my plan and changed the outcome.i had to put an officer in charge so i could go get talked down to by my cm in the tower.
i understand that the cm was just trying to help,but he had an affect on how the mission was run.i called off my final attack because of him.write or wrong,he stopped it.theres a reson penalties are there,and missions should be allowed to run there course.let the chips fall where they may,sort it out later.who knows ,maybee i send everyone in on low fuel to hit 49 and we get penalized,get hit by 109's in force and die on the way home?coulda changed the outcome drastickly.cm should have stayed out of it,and he coulda kept his attitude to himself as well.
whatever,its just a game.but if you play a game with vauge rules,dont get mad when someone plays in a way you didnt expect.
1570 - allied
650 - axis