Author Topic: Bish?  (Read 5019 times)

Offline ChopSaw

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« Reply #75 on: February 28, 2006, 02:54:17 AM »
Originally posted by Mugzeee
Chopy..SD isnt going to specifiy anything. Hes just trying to keep the fire lit.

:) I know, Mugzee.  I was just hoping he'd have something to say.

Offline SuperDud

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« Reply #76 on: February 28, 2006, 02:55:43 AM »
I know when my country is losing I pork the enemy back to the stone age. I feel a genuien sadness for the bish and their valent struggle to stop the evil nit and rook hordes. We all know that they are all skillless anyways.

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Re: Re: Re: Bish?
« Reply #77 on: February 28, 2006, 02:55:51 AM »
Originally posted by DoKGonZo

Damn ... I gotta start tuning 200.

You wouldn't like it.  It is much worse than this. :D

Offline DoKGonZo

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« Reply #78 on: February 28, 2006, 02:56:39 AM »
Originally posted by Mugzeee
Well...actually at one time or another you have not in so many words. ;) Need we dig it up?

I don't ever recall explicitly saying that there should be no strat and no bombers, which is what he said I said.

If anything, hardening base "strats" makes bombers more important, not less.

Offline ChopSaw

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« Reply #79 on: February 28, 2006, 02:58:13 AM »
Originally posted by SuperDud
I know when my country is losing I pork the enemy back to the stone age. I feel a genuien sadness for the bish and their valent struggle to stop the evil nit and rook hordes. We all know that they are all skillless anyways.


:lol See?  This is why he tried to keep it down to two words.  I'm still not sure what he's saying or who for or who against.

Offline Mugzeee

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« Reply #80 on: February 28, 2006, 03:04:07 AM »
Originally posted by ChopSaw
Your point of view is idealistic.  People play the way they play.  It's got less to do with ideals and more to do with the more common denominators.  For them being on the winning side is the fun part.  It is simply human nature to like winning.  It is a positive associative experience.  They like being part of the �steam rolling� side.  I think the trees are obscuring your view of the forest on this one and you�re not seeing the reality of the situation.

I�m not saying people are switching just prior to the reset in numbers, though there are those that do.  What I�m saying is people are viewing the trends and seeing who is winning most lately and gradually the numbers build up on that side.  It is not an instant �wow I�d better switch because x is going to win�.  It is a �I�m tired seeing those other guys win all the time and I�m joining them�.

Zazen could only dream of being as spot on as to "WHAT IS" as you are here. His ideals are nice and peachy they just are very unrealistic in the real world. You speaketh the truth and do it very clearly. I noticed that Tonight "Monday" night when Bish usually have the most players (Bout 40+) average more than Rooks or Nits that it was near dead even all night.. From about 6:00PM est till about 12:00PM est. At 3:57 am est. Tuesday Morning it is Bish=35 Knights=45 and Rooks=47. I think the point is reached where Bish will be mildly outnumbered all week Mon through Thur...and Fri thru Sunday they will be greatly outnumbered. Like last Sun night when Rooks had 12+ players more than Bish and 89 more than Knights. Something will have to happen big to change this trend. But have faith it will change .;)

Offline Schatzi

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Re: Re: Bish?
« Reply #81 on: February 28, 2006, 03:07:18 AM »
Originally posted by Jackal1
I can`t speak for where everyone is all the time, but I can give ya statistics on the last time I logged on. There were 128 Bish online. Two were asking repeatedly what the procedure was for taking off. Two couldn`t grasp the concept that E started the engine. Four were having trouble understanding the directions that was being given to them on how to use Vox. One of these was asking on VOX. Ten of the remainder was in the tower using channel two hundred to proclaim their knowledge on why Bish sucked so bad. Ten more was using country channel from the tower trying to get the first ten to change countries if they didn`t like Bish.  Five were passed out on autoclimb off map.
Twenty were in tank town doing the "Bomber dweebs in TT suck" routine on channel 200. One was attacking a V base in a SpitV. There was a long term generals meeting that went on for hours tryin to reach an agreement on which to run missions to , Rooks or Knights. That consisted of 70 generals. The other four of us were furballing in goons.
I don`t understand it either. We seem to be pretty organized for a team.


Thats a good one :).

You just forgot that f**** idiot that keeps upping a HurriMk1 for base defense and complains incessantly about the 5 rook/knits that keep blowing said Hurri apart.
21 is only half the truth.

Offline SuperDud

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« Reply #82 on: February 28, 2006, 03:10:45 AM »
Neva surrender!@#!@

AHHHH MUTHALAND!!@^$#@#@! zOMfG#@#!@!@[/color]

PS: I agree
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Offline Bruv119

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« Reply #83 on: February 28, 2006, 04:25:57 AM »
I swapped over from a different ww2 flying game about 8 months ago.

There are no mannable tanks/acks/carriers/boats.

This game is one of the best ww2 games online out there and instead of whining about this and that.  Take a step back take a few deep breaths pick your favourite plane, tank or standard issue PT boat and enjoy what you have.

The whole country setup isn't perfect but its down to the players to even out the sides  if they feel one team is getting ganged unless HT introduces an even team balancer when everyone logs in ( im sure that would cause even more uproar than how it is now).

No doubt in the future with combat tour and new terrains, maps, a few more planes and vehicles it will develop into an even better game than it is at present.




group hug!
The Few ***

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Re: Re: Re: Bish?
« Reply #84 on: February 28, 2006, 07:17:33 AM »
Originally posted by Schatzi

Thats a good one :).

You just forgot that f**** idiot that keeps upping a HurriMk1 for base defense and complains incessantly about the 5 rook/knits that keep blowing said Hurri apart.

Who you talking about Schatzi?   ;)

Offline SlapShot

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« Reply #85 on: February 28, 2006, 07:55:22 AM »
Originally posted by ChopSaw
This is the thinking of someone who isn’t into the strategy of the game.  Someone who doesn’t want strategy to effect their “fun”.  Fun being defined as furballing.  If you wish to change the game from strategy to the more immediate gratification of furballing, then by all means support the current fuel situation.

Troops are, as you wrote, definitely part of the strategy.  However, there are many who feel it inconvenient and an imposition on their fun to eliminate them.  Therefore, by your way of thinking that should be restricted as well.  And what about ordnance.  Surely we shouldn’t be able to take down the ordnance in fields over a wide area.  How about we make troops and ordnance pop up after say 15 minutes?  That would prevent your “tards” from ruining other peoples fun.

Hello ... my name is Slapshot ... I am a furballer ... whew ... glad I got that out.

Taking out troops or gas accomplishs the same objective ... it can stop the horde dead in its tracks.

Allowing gas to be taken out is a double edged sword tho ... the horde can use that to stop defensive measures.

If fields were spaced farther apart, the horde could send out satelite groups to easily pork the underdog's gas. So, with that, you now have %25 fuel ... you will have enough to get to the fight, but you won't have enough to sustain the fight ... hence they roll over you like a steamroller.

Whereas, the horde could pork all the underdog's troops .... so what ... you don't need troops to fly and try fight off the horde ... unlike gas.

One other important note, which I think is the real reason as to why we have what we have ... without gas, you cannot fly ... and everybody pays to FLY, not sit in the tower ... HT recognized that and solutioned it.
SlapShot - Blue Knights

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Offline Hajo

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« Reply #86 on: February 28, 2006, 07:58:45 AM »'s a game.  Treat it as such.

Gang banged.........that happens to all 3 countries and the number of players per country has no effect.  We have many players that look for the large green darbar and go there....hide in the horde....and like multiple sharks swimming around a single kill they safely pick up the scraps knowing full well their safety is assured by the number of countrymates they have at that base at that time.  They are an annoyance....and basically skilless.  They need the numbers to pad their score.

Scores?  Who cares?

Bishops.....have many good pilots and some very good squads.  Bishops also have the horde hiding weenies.  Same as Rooks or Knights.

Being Bishop.....have been for seven years and plan on staying "Bish"

Those Squads who change sides for any reason.  It's their money.
I look as Squad moving as somewhat being childish if it's to go with the popular side, the one who gets the most recent resets. Some Squads used to rotate on a regular basis.  This is less frequent now.

I get my kills no matter what.  So do my Bishop Squadmates in The Flying Circus.  Whether outnumbered or not...we still get our share.  

The only thing that irks me is dive bombing Lancasters.  Suicide Porkers

And resets LOL like my friend Toad's worthless.  25 Perks WoWeeeeeee.  If it were a Hawiian Vacation it might mean something.
If ya need the Perks contact me I have seven years worth that I don't use.
- The Flying Circus -

Offline Lye-El

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« Reply #87 on: February 28, 2006, 08:54:55 AM »
Originally posted by ChopSaw
Rather I think the largest attraction is being on the winning side.  Not for the perks, but simply to be on the side that's winning.  It's a nice feeling.  You're with a bunch of guys that are stomping keester and that's fun.  Maybe makes you feel like you're part of an elite outfit.  That sort of thinking.

I believe this to be true.

Whats the best/fastest plane? Who's winning? Two most important questions in the minds of some.

i dont got enough perkies as it is and i like upen my lancs to kill 1 dang t 34 or wirble its fun droping 42 bombs

Offline doc1kelley

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« Reply #88 on: February 28, 2006, 09:35:32 AM »
Perhaps I just don't get it!  Anybody who has flown in AH for any length of time has seen their country have it's time in the barrell.  Why all the moaning now?  I'm a Bish and it's just our turn as we've enjoyed being on the other end from time to time.  I'm not saying that it's right,  just saying that it's just the cycle of life in the game.  Sometimes it does the soul good to be force fed some humble pie.  I don't like the taste either and I've had to swallow it a few times in the past and the best defence for it is when it's just getting to the point that you can't up  anywhere without being vulched, log off and play a quick game of a 1st person shooter and burn some of the frustration off for a while.  We are a competetive society and we all like to win but every game has it's winners and it's loosers and we just gotta accept the fact that ya just can't be the winner all the time.

Just my 2 cent piece...

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Offline DoKGonZo

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« Reply #89 on: February 28, 2006, 10:31:39 AM »
Originally posted by doc1kelley
Perhaps I just don't get it!  Anybody who has flown in AH for any length of time has seen their country have it's time in the barrell.  ...

Indeed, if you backtrack through the BBS you'll find each country raising the same concerns at least once or twice.

The porking of troops/ord has a backlash effect for the defender too. If the map is within a couple of fields of reseting, porking prolongs the "every field is vultched" condition. For hours. And hours. I'm not saying abandon defense, but the way the system works now the "best defense" (porking) means staying stuck in a rotten situation longer. After a map reset a lot of the Horde will leave anway (hey, they got their perks, what else is there?).

And I am NOT saying that troops/ord shouldn't be destroyable - just that it should take more than a few bursts of 20mm to do it. Make it at least require a 500 pounder or two per outhouse. If porking is such a valuable way to help your team, at least make it require a little skill.