Well I've made my port from scratch in OE, with nice edges. I mean I rounded them up so much there is no way to see the triangle underneath cuz I put grass shapes everywhere, and after that I added evrything tower, radar, fuel, ammo, and I even added two runways or planes, plus all necessary hangars.
Everything nice and pretty in the OE, placed in TE, as part of the terrain, however in TE I can see that the shape that I've made spans a lot more than one square (I knew it spans more, I just didn't know how much more, because in OE is no way to the complete picture, like zoom out as you need). The port I've made it spans like half more square on one side and half on the other, but in TE all works and shows pretty, very round edges and stuff where they need to be.
Save, buld the terrain as usuall, but when I go in the game to test my newly made port as soon as the terrain loads, the game crashes. Yhat happens with this lates and rounded version of the port that I made. When I use the earlier version... I actually should say the default one that I just rotated, even tough its corners span beyound the square tile, it works, but those straight edges look pretty ugly (nice wording lol), as the editor/game places water all around, and it makes the edges stand out.
Now I'm wondering... did I do something wrong when I placed all those shapes (tower/radar, ships on the water, etc) when I made my custom shape? or maybe there htere is something that I didn't do/place? or the problem lies with the placement of those grass shapes that I use one on top of other to round those unnecessary corners and edgees?
Hmmm... all that took me hours and hours to make everything look just as I wanted, and now is not even working... I mean yes the TE doesn't complain, but the game just won't take the terrain.
Any idea?
Thank you!