You got it wrong.
First the UN needs a 6 month policy fact finding committee
then they make an resolution to decide if they should write a strongly worded letter
Then they have to form another committee to determin what the letter should say.
Then they pass a resolution to determine if any amendments to the stronggly worded letter are required
Then they pass the resolution to write a strongly worded letter but have to go back to committee for more fact finding and write amendments that condem Israel and praise palestine just fro the heck of it.
Then the send the strongly worded letter to Iran with said amendments.
Iran's president gives the UN the finger.
Then it's back to committe to determine if sactions may be necessary.
Then it goes up for debate amungst the general assembly.
Then it gets determined that more facts are needed and possibly another strongly worded letter.
From there it goes back to committee......and so on and so on
The UN is a usless spinless body.