Originally posted by Weirdguy I am surprised to see so many A-10 warthogs in there. I think I see either F-4s or F-15s in there as well, but I cannot tell. I did se OA-10 Broncos, a crapload of F-111s and A-4s, and some E-2 Hawkeyes. I even see some F-80 (with tip tanks) and F102s or F106s in there too.
Originally posted by Suave Found the B-26 !(Hint, all the cool stuff is at the museum)
Originally posted by Debonair A lot of the A-10s you see aren't junk yet, they're based at Davis-Monthan (there are three in the runup area), but it does look like there are a good number parked on the dirt with the other junk
Originally posted by Morpheus why can't they just give me a freakin tomcat to play in! I just want the shell. Think of the fuggin Lock-On Simpit I could have. How could someone chop it up. Poor thing. Mean basterds.