Author Topic: Fighter's Glee  (Read 6311 times)

Offline Gato

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Fighter's Glee
« on: March 23, 2006, 02:51:31 AM »
It seems with every update AH is becoming more of a furballers paradise.  The strat system is next to nothing now and bombers are hampered more and more.  Bombers and GVs now have gun recoil, do the fighters?  If you don't think fighters had the recoil, look at old film and see just how clear everything was until the guns were fired.  Then everything is a blurr.

Why can't we have two arenas, one just for those who only want to furball and could care less about winning a map.  The other for everyone else, with a strat system where both fighter and bomber get equal treatment.  I know this has been talked about before, but I just wanted to bring it up again.  I think a little parity would be nice.  Don't get me wrong, I fly fighters, man guns and drive GVs as well as bombers.  I think they all should have an equal footing as they all have a place in the game.

Maybe I'm asking too much, but this is a wishlist forum.  And this is not any more out there than some other wishes.

Offline Bruv119

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« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2006, 03:38:35 AM »
Gato take a look into the Axis vs Allies room, it is more historically setup, has fantastic maps and is good for some ground pounding,

As for the main arena being split up i would have to disagree, furballing is part of base defence.

Everytime the luftwaffe upped a bombing mission to pork Great Britain a whole bunch of spit and hurricane "dweebs"  upped to stop them.

Why should Aces High be any different from the real war?

don't get me wrong i like doing it all fighters, bombers and GV's its all fun.

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Offline hubsonfire

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« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2006, 09:10:05 AM »
So equal footing is booting the rest of us to another arena? :rolleyes:
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Offline Dead Man Flying

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Fighter's Glee
« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2006, 09:38:51 AM »
I fail to see how moving furballers to a different arena fixes some of the problems fundamentally underlying your whine... er... complaint.  Removing furballers fails to render strat useful, nor does it "fix" hampered bombers.  In essence, you wish to punish those who do not play your way even though they do nothing to you.  Those are some sour grapes.

-- Todd/Leviathn

Offline hitech

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« Reply #4 on: March 23, 2006, 10:07:38 AM »
It seems with every update AH is becoming more of a furballers paradise. The strat system is next to nothing now and bombers are hampered more and more. Bombers and GVs now have gun recoil, do the fighters? If you don't think fighters had the recoil, look at old film and see just how clear everything was until the guns were fired.

AH Fighters have always had the same head shake when firing guns that the bombers and GV's do now. So your saying that since we now added the same effect to GV's and bombers, hence putting them on par with the fighters, we are ignoring them.


Offline MachNix

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« Reply #5 on: March 23, 2006, 10:57:24 AM »
The problem is the strat-guys are getting punish because they don't want to be furballers.  Furballers complain that the strat-guys are ruining their fun so now the strat-guys can't take the fuel down.  Furballers complain that the strat-guys are now taking the FH down so then HTC adds bomb calibration.  Furballers complain that the FH are still going down so they want the FH hardened.  Furballers complain that the bomber are too deadly to shoot down from the six so HTC adds gun shake to the bombers gun.  Same thing happened to the osti.  They were too deadly for the furballers so HTC added randomization to the shooting and now there's gun shake.  When a furballer complains, changes are made for the sake of "realism" – who ever heard of a fighter getting downed by a bomber or ack?  When the strat-guys complain, they are just "trying to punish those who do not play their way."  

I want balanced play, not coddling.  A single fighter shows up at a base and straffs the troops down while the base ack is completely up and ruins the start-guys fun.  But that seems to be okay because troops and supplies do not have any impact on the furballers.  Looks like we have a ways to go before things are "on par."

Sour grapes?  I have a truckload.

Offline Bronk

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« Reply #6 on: March 23, 2006, 11:30:35 AM »
If you are hitting factories, cities, and HQ you are doing strat.
Now if you are porking fields, by this i mean any structure  which can be dropped on a field. = Tactical targets

For this reason i feel we need a new name .  I propose TacTard.
When you see those dive bombing lancs going for the CV open up on 200 with " well the Tactards just ruined fun at base X'.
 Or when you see the Tiffy auger into the side of an ammo bunker try on 200 " hey TacTard if ya pull back on the stick you go up." or some such.

As for strat I have no problem with guys lvl bombing strat targets I mentioned.

Hell I have no problem with them going to alt and and hitting tactical targets with lvl bombing.
My problem is with the dive bombing  Lancs, 24s, and 17s.
Also the pork auger Tactards piss me off. They are usually Gv dweebs that get killed from base defenders multiple times. So they up a Tiffy or a 190d and pork ords then auger.
Cmon get a few friends together and coordinate  Have some friends hit ords while you up a gv sheesh.

Sorry for the rant but some things peeps do just piss me off.

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Offline Guppy35

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« Reply #7 on: March 23, 2006, 11:31:30 AM »
Hmmm.  Based on the race to the reset mentality that is clearly growing, and the lack of extended furballs due to hangers or carriers going down, I'd suggest that the bomber/strat guys aren't suffering too bad.

Box after box of both high and low alt 24s hitting 41 last night VH, ack, everything down.  Those of us that tried to get up had the fighter escort to contend with along with low level buffs with gunners, not that the FH's stayed up too long.

I'm a lousy stick but I like to have at it in fighters.  In my imaginary world I'm a fighter pilot.  But even that is dying with the never ending stream of HO and run LA7s.

Finding once decent turn and burn fight a night is about all I can hope for in AH these days and chances are it won't last long because one side or the other will wreck the FH's anyway so it means a long flight to get to the fight where it's more then likely going to be the base capture horde at work anyway.

Bottom line is I'm having a hard time feeling bad for the "race to the reset" crowd.

If that's what they want to do, it's their dime but please don't whine that the gameplay for that crew is being hindered.
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Offline Dead Man Flying

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« Reply #8 on: March 23, 2006, 11:57:01 AM »
I have to admit, there's something inately hilariously about people who whine and complain about something two days after its release rather than giving themselves at least a week or two to adjust to it.  I guess it's easier to pout on the forums than it is to suck it up and make the minor adjustments to how they play.

-- Todd/Leviathn

Offline Arlo

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« Reply #9 on: March 23, 2006, 12:22:34 PM »
What would really rock is a Spanish Civil War fighter set, terrain and dedicated arena. :D

Offline Easyscor

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« Reply #10 on: March 23, 2006, 01:29:46 PM »
Originally posted by Bruv119
Gato take a look into the Axis vs Allies room, it is more historically setup, has fantastic maps and is good for some ground pounding,...
The AvA is not for base capture resets.  That porks the arena!
There's no war to win in the AvA; but most MA players migrating there don't understand that after you roll up a few bases you're expected to switch sides and capture them back if you can.
Bombers are great in there for plinking base ack and strat to start a fight, sinking the CV when it's parked off the end of the runway or squad missions.  Unfortunately bombers are too often abused and get pulled from the AvA planeset. :(
Easy in-game again.
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Offline Gato

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« Reply #11 on: March 23, 2006, 02:35:44 PM »
I really don't want to have to have a second MA and AvA is not the same.  It just seems that the MA is going toward fighters and far away for bombing or strategy.  There is very little for bombers to do, really.  A viable strat system is what is needed.  This would give the bombers something other than just hitting the hangers, troops and ord.  Those items can be taken down by fighters now.

It seems when this all started, it was a complete warfare system, with fighters, bombers, GVs and ships.  But the further along we go, the more it seems major parts of the system are falling by the wayside.   It is a fight without strategy.  You just get a gang of guys to take a base.  It might have bombers to take down the hangers or not.  But that is as far as the planning goes.  Sure, if you have the horde, you take the map.  But that has nothing to do with strategy. :eek:

Okay, the gun recoil is in fighters and now bombers.  That is parity and we can get used to it.  But the recoil on the osti, from what I've heard, is way over done.  :rolleyes:

Each plane, vehicle has a place in the game, or at least should have.  Fighters can either be in fighter or attack mode and hit any target around.  The bombers, on the other hand have very few and when the hangers are taken down by them, the fighters often complain.  "Bombers killed my furball"  What is left for the bombers to do???  Taking down the factories is to slow the resupply of the bases, but I really don't see it effecting it much, if any.

I have seen several good ideas to help boost the role of the bombers, but the question becames "Will it ever happen?"  At this point, I'm not sure it will. :(

Fighter guns have a convergence up to 650 and the bombers guns are set at 500 with a "shotgun" effect.  So for the guys who call the bomber guns "laser" and complain, I can't see it.  In a fighter I take bombers down all the time.

So, in short, I'm still looking for parity on all fronts.

Offline ChopSaw

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« Reply #12 on: March 23, 2006, 03:23:47 PM »
Originally posted by hitech
AH Fighters have always had the same head shake when firing guns that the bombers and GV's do now. So your saying that since we now added the same effect to GV's and bombers, hence putting them on par with the fighters, we are ignoring them.

This leaves the question of whether it is appropriate or not.  Is it appropriate that the guns of a very large aircraft (a bomber) cause it to vibrate the same as those of a much lighter aircraft?  The only consideration I've ever heard for mounting fixed as opposed to flexible guns is the fixed ones are much lighter and take up less room.  Never heard anything about fixed vibrating less or flexible vibrating more.  Even if you take bombers out of the equation, how appropriate is it to be shaken so much by the coaxial gun on a multi ton Tiger.  Or how appropriate is it for the Ostwind, essentially a Panzer, to be shaken as much as the Yak when firing the same cannon?

Regardless of how you feel about bomber guns shaking or not, there is one clear result.  Bomber guns have had their effective range cut another 200.  As a result even less skill is required to down a bomber than before.  Fighters using lame attack vectors on bombers will still get shot down of course and that means they'll still whine about bomber guns being too good.  I can't help but wonder what the next degradation of bomber capability will be.  Small wonder many of the fighter crowd are gloating.  

Hopefully HTC will fix this mistake.  If so, sooner would be better than later.

Offline Pooface

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« Reply #13 on: March 23, 2006, 03:35:45 PM »
HT got there before me :rolleyes:  :D

the fighters always had gunshake, and the GV's and bombers didnt. we should be the ones complaining, not the whining bufftards lol. drives me up the wall when i see complaints like this that bombers are badly neglected and undermodelled, etc, because in actual fact, they are more effective than in real life just so they can stay alive in the MA.

if you fly in formation with a few guys, all with boxes of buffs, it is SOOO hard for fighters to kill you, because when the guns work together, it's a hailstorm. and that's just with ju88s!!!

the fact is that the gunnery on the bombers is excellent because otherwise they wouldnt last 2 seconds in the game. AH is far from real life, but that doesnt mean that we cant make it more realistic, afterall, this isnt supposed to be an arcade game. making guns shake is a cool feature! dunno why you guys complain. as far as i have noticed, it doesnt affect the gun ballistics at all, just makes the gunsight vibrate. the guns are just as deadly, and they've become more real. that's the reason a lot of people play this game, to go back to those days and really experience it. AH does that so well, but unfortunetly all the rush for the reset guys dont care about history, or sitting in the piot's shoes, they care about getting perk points:rolleyes:

just relax a little man. we are here for fun, not ranks or points. next time you hop in a b17 or a fighter, or a whatever, stop thinking about who you want to kill, how many wtgs you want to get, imagine yourself as a real pilot, you'll have far more fun!

Offline ChopSaw

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« Reply #14 on: March 23, 2006, 03:38:25 PM »
Originally posted by Dead Man Flying
I fail to see how moving furballers to a different arena fixes some of the problems fundamentally underlying your whine... er... complaint.  Removing furballers fails to render strat useful, nor does it "fix" hampered bombers.  In essence, you wish to punish those who do not play your way even though they do nothing to you.  Those are some sour grapes.

In the desire for another MA, I would wish one with AH1 settings and all current rides and the other to be as it is now.  I fail to see how this would be moving furballers to another arena or punishing them.  They would still have the current MA with all the settings they enjoy.  I'm certain they would not feel sad about losing those who want to play differently than they do.  In fact it would do much to eliminate the source of most of their whines.

In point of fact it would allow for two different styles of play and enhance HTC's marketability.  If you get tired of one style, move to the other.  Nobody said furballers couldn't be in whichever arena they want to be in this scenario.