Author Topic: Any other Americans (US) cringe while watching the Olympics?  (Read 2132 times)

Offline leonid

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Any other Americans (US) cringe while watching the Olympics?
« Reply #45 on: October 06, 2000, 05:54:00 AM »
Actually as an American, I truly enjoy being a part of the world.  My travels outside the USA have shown me how similar we all are, and have also been educational in seeing just how unique everyone really is at the same time.  We all have a lot to share with one another on so many levels, but nationalistic/political rivalries have done much to curb that growth.  Hopefully, with the passing of a generation or so, minds will be less influenced by past events, and will look upon each other through the vastness of the internet as one interdependent whole.

Hmm.  Maybe I should start smoking pipes.

ingame: Raz

Offline Dowding

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Any other Americans (US) cringe while watching the Olympics?
« Reply #46 on: October 06, 2000, 02:54:00 PM »
Pass me the bong, man, that stuff is awesome!  

Everyone is born equal (the possibility of behavioural genes existing aside), society shapes us as individuals. Maybe locality has a hand too.

Maybe one day we will all be equal when we die also.

War! Never been so much fun. War! Never been so much fun! Go to your brother, Kill him with your gun, Leave him lying in his uniform, Dying in the sun.

Offline Snoopi

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Any other Americans (US) cringe while watching the Olympics?
« Reply #47 on: October 10, 2000, 08:47:00 PM »
<Bites at the bait>


The PERCEPTION of ALL Americans being rude and arrogant is common... yes.

But it, like all generalizations, is wrong.

More times than I can count, people have assumed I was an american but after talking with me or asking my nationality, they changed from cold and occasionally almost hostile, to very friendly, once they realized I was not.

It is not totally based on reality.
It is based on perception. Mostly due to political agendas and media then anything else.
I.E. You are not George Bush or Dennis Rodman so why should his actions reflect on you ?

Besides..even if every american but ONE was a jerk, NOT "ALL" would be.

Not all brits are soccer hooligans, not all americans are arrogant, not all <blank> are <blank> !

There IS a cultural "misunderstanding" involved.

When I run into people from large cities in my OWN country, they are generally more aggressive due to the  environment they live in. They arrive in a smaller city and act like they do at home. They are not intentionally rude, but are perceived as rude. This is why people from Toronto are generalized as jerks by other Canadians.

As an example...
My friend from China has a different need for "personal space". In North America, if I stand very close to someone they get uncomfortable and it can be perceived as a challenge or threat in some situations.
My friend grew up in a place where there are so many people, you are used to strangers standing very close to you and it is not thought a problem. No intent, just a perception difference.

A person who is used to being agressive to enable him to be noticed by the bartender, when ordering a drink at home, can be considered a jerk when in a bar where there is no need to be aggressive. He probably won't understand why he is treated badly in this situation.

I think that most of these problems are based on lack of cultural/environmental understanding.
The people who run into these problems don't seem to take the differences into account.

If more people would think of WHERE they are, then this stuff would not happen.
When in Rome......

But since that doesn't always happen....
INTENT is the thing I try to understand.
Lack of understanding that, is what causes most problems.


BTW -Good Job Australia !
    -Yup. U.S. Olympic coverage sucked.


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Any other Americans (US) cringe while watching the Olympics?
« Reply #48 on: October 11, 2000, 11:31:00 AM »
Well put, Snoopi.

I'm not against americans, not at all.  In fact, I have many american friends.  The thing that annoys me is the arrogance that comes off many of them (not all) when in another country.  Call me whatever you wish, but it is the same all over the world, even here in Canada.  

I live on the border of Canada and the US.  A "few" years ago I worked at a highly respected international hotel.  Of course, being so close to the border, we got many americans.  From my experience, the americans were the rudest people we got in the hotel, tenfold.  When I'd give them back their change in Canadian money, often the response would be, "What am I going to do with this funny money, play monoply?". Or something to that affect.  That was the least of it.

When I began travelling I went to Egypt and expected to see people acting in a more cultured manner.  Nope.  Of course there were some americans who were respecting the customs, but when you saw someone who was not, or was actually arguing against an Egyptian for his right to wear shorts, 9 out of 10 times it is an American.  This is not slanderous or bigoted, it is simply an observation.  I'm not saying all americans are like this, but waaaaaay too many are.  You're taught from birth that you're the greatest nation in the world.  That everyone on earth wants to be american and come to america.  With intent or not, this is the way many of you act when you go out into the world and what you're taught, at least the second part, simply is not true. The first part is debatable  .

That's why the Olympics did not suprise those of use who live outside of the US.  As I've said, we're used to it.

Squadron Leader, Igloo.
C/O RCAF 411 Squadron - County of York

"Problems cannot be solved with the same awareness that created them" - Albert Einstein[/i]


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Any other Americans (US) cringe while watching the Olympics?
« Reply #49 on: October 11, 2000, 01:22:00 PM »
OK I hear you now.  Sorry I got snippy...
Trust me, all of us don't feel that way or approve of that kind of behavior away from our home.