No one forced anyone to drive anything. You just said yourself that people quit because they had to drive them, that's a choice.
This event used ground elements. Most sign for events to experience something other than routine, and this event was far from routine.
The next event will be an invasion of Japan, with an unreal amount of fleets on yet another new terrain. I assure you, there will be players who complain about having to fly a torpedo plane.
The event after that should be a High Alt Europe Bomber campaign. There will be cries of Alt monkies and we should limit how high the bombers can go cause it's too hard on the fighter pilots and takes too long.
After that, Pearl Harbor, and again, we may have some life limits. Say for example you get 2 fighter, bomber, and you can get ground vehicles for defense to keep the base alive through the frame. There will be players who use their lives in the planes and leave. There will always be something to complain about, and plenty of people to do the complaining.
Don't take this as I don't understand and appreciate what is being said, I do. If everything Ramzey wanted was implemented, someone else would be complaining, if Everything TheBug wanted was implemented, someone else would complain about that also. We do the best we can, trying to balance the event as we design it, why do you think we don't design these things publically on the open forums? We'd never be done.
Yes your comments are noted, and I can guarantee that Each and Every one of the comments and critiques have been addressed in one event or another, but it is not possible to address them All in Every event, there are too many variables.
That's just reality. But that doesn't mean you don't have a voice, trust me, all of these points are valid, some are based on insight, others are based from speculation and not knowing why some item or another decided the way it was.
The Bottom Line of Karelia was to produce an event that kept players involved for the Full 3 Hours of each of the 4 Frames, that is Not an easy task, and one that doesn't lend itself to a single life event. Most players that participated Enjoyed it, those that quit missed out, but that's their loss. This event appealed to a particular group, other events will appeal to a different group. That's just human nature.
Hope you enjoy the next one, that's where My attentions at now, Stalins was last week

TheBug, hit me on email, I'd like to get your thoughts on a project I'm working on.