Author Topic: Idea for next Scenario  (Read 8630 times)

Offline Tilt

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« Reply #30 on: April 25, 2006, 04:08:23 PM »
Originally posted by ramzey
Rangoon, Malta, Big Week, Iwo Jima, Coral Sea, Midway, Ruhr
all of them had greater numbers then any of gv's involved scenarios. And where more fun.


Niemen not only started with the 2nd highest numbers of any AH scenario (to Midway I think) it ended with the highest numbers by a significant factor.

ie a scenario with a very significant gv element which RETAINED a higher player interest than any other scenario.

The greatest single factor in player drop off is BOREDOM followed quickly by LOSING. GV's do not cause this by them sided gameplay set ups or poor strategms cause this.
Ludere Vincere

Offline Bruno

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« Reply #31 on: April 25, 2006, 04:30:13 PM »
Niemen not only started with the 2nd highest numbers of any AH scenario (to Midway I think) it ended with the highest numbers by a significant factor.

I quit Midway after the first frame and it was aircraft only. Flight times were too long and I was bored to tears flying an A6M2 while being ordered 'not to enage the enemy' every time we found them. When we finally rtd'd B17s were hitting our carrier and I ended up ditching due to no fuel and the carrier doing donuts to avoid getting bombed.

In Niemen the last two frames had almost 100 allied no shows in each frame. I was on the staff with Fariz so I did no GV'ing at all and thought Niemen was a great event. In Kurland there were almost 100 allied slots left open and the team balance ratio was so upset that it made Allied victory impossible. We had to re-do victory conditions on the fly. With Kurland we tried to follow Niemen's example in terms of gameplay rules except that we decided to put a tighter limit on the total number of GVs rather then allow the VHs to be destroyable.

The thought being that we didn't want folks being bored to death on long travel routes if and when they encountered a base that had its VH killed. We decided on a lower limit on the number of tanks instead. We did have destructable bridges and the original idea was to create fordable rivers but this proved to be a problem and ultimately we limited th enumber of bridges and left out all but he main rivers.

Ulitmately, Kurland was a failure due to the lack of general interest especially on those who typically fly for the allied side. Those low numbers and the quality of Axis pilots made the event very one sided.

For the most part I thought Stalin's Fourth was well balanced from my view as an Axis GL. We had our opportunities but fell short.

Offline TheBug

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« Reply #32 on: April 25, 2006, 05:37:04 PM »
Originally posted by Bruno

I wonder if the reason GVs are so universally disliked by scenario types is due to how poorly they are done in AH over all. In other games where tanking is more accurately modeled they can be some what fun. Still touring the back roads of Finland maybe appealing in real life, in the virtual world it can get old quickly.

In my opinion yes, I don't hate WWII tank battle or simulations, if there were actually any good ones :-)  And although I feel they are poorly done in regards to scenarios,  I think HTC implemented exactly to the level needed for the game they are trying to sell.  

But I'm open to admit maybe I'm wrong, maybe I'm in the minority, maybe the MA feel in scenarios is something the majority desire.   I prefer creating events that foster a community of historical based game players, to the fullest extent the game allows with still maintaining gameplay.  I see AH events bending themselves to "fit the crowd".  Maybe for the good of the many that is the way to go, but I'm not gonna deny it saddens me and think back to the  "hardcore" ;) days of Warbirds.
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Offline jordi

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« Reply #33 on: April 25, 2006, 08:15:25 PM »
Or the hard core days of AIR WARRIOR . . .

I think it was 1999 we had Scenario frames from different scenario groups 11 out of 12 months !

But I think the CANVAS we have to paint on in AH is so much better and broader than we had back in AW.

To think what we can with the terrain and fleets that move for a PEARL scenario just makes you wonder . . .
AW - AH Pilot 199? - 200?
Pulled out of Mothballs for DGS Allied Bomber Group Leader :)

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Offline Brooke

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« Reply #34 on: April 25, 2006, 08:16:52 PM »
Originally posted by TheBug
I see AH events bending themselves to "fit the crowd".  Maybe for the good of the many that is the way to go, but I'm not gonna deny it saddens me and think back to the  "hardcore" ;) days of Warbirds.

I think it's the opposite.  What you see is AH events *not* bending themselves to "fit the crowd."  If they bent themselves to fit the crowd, there would be no GV's because the crowd doesn't like to drive GV's.  Also, with GV's it is more realistic, not less realistic.  I think it is more accurate to say that, if you want more realism, you thus want GV's in at least some scenarios -- you just don't want to be one to drive any of them.  

That's fine, but let's not kid ourselves:  really almost no one wants to drive vechicles in preference to flying aircraft.  If you have a scenario signup were the only people in GV's are those who checked the box "if needed, I'll drive GV's", very few people will check that box, even if they truly wouldn't mind doing so if needed.  The reason is they know that anyone who checks that box will be driving GV's and that everyone who checks the box "I'll quit if I have to drive GV's" will get all the plane slots.  Most people's attitude toward that set of choices will be "screw that -- I'm not going to lump it so that someone who won't ever lump it gets to fly a plane instead of me."

To me, the solution appears to be the following, as was stated above:  (1) since you can't please all of the people all of the time, have a variety of scenarios (some with GV's, some without, some with lots of bombers, some with few bombers, some with no alt limits and high altitudes, some with low altitudes, some with Zeros, some without, etc.); and (2) when you do have rides you *know* very close to no one is going to prefer (basically GV's, LVT's, PT boats, C-47's, and gunner duty), entice people with some sort of tradeoff (one box with "I'll fly Zeros and no ground vehicles" or "I'll fly Betties and no ground vechicles" or "I'll fly Ki-84's and some ground vechicles", etc.) and make sure there is a mechanism -- in the rules -- that forces rotation through the undesirable rides (so that there is no competitive disadvantage to providing rotation).

Stalin's Fourth satisfied #1.  It gave us another realm of variety and things we haven't seen before in scenarios.  I loved it.  I loved driving the GV's.  (I even like WWIIOL, and that is much more tedious in so many ways than GV driving in a scenario.)  Stalins Fourth tried to satisfy #2 but only partially accomplished that, at least on the allied side.  We tried having plans for groups to do half a frame in GV's and half flying, but you just can't all that effectively switch in a frame.  We tried having some dedicated to GV's and some to flying, then switching next frame, but we needed enough GV's that some still ended up doing more than 50% in GV's.  We could have put less people in GV's, but there was a competitive advantage to make sure we had a substantial number of GV's, so that's naturally what we did.

The other thing we already knew but had reinfoced is that you can't rely on player enforcement of rules beyond anything but the simplest thing (like you get one life).  The spawn rules were not hugely complicated, but they were complicated enough that you're 100% certain to get violation of them in a scenario of 100+ people.   Add to that the fact that you don't know about the violation until after the frame is over (so you can't during the frame "retake" a base that you took with some violation that later would otherwise negate the capture), and you've got a recipe for huge amounts of trouble and arguing.

Stalin's Fourth is a great and impressive scenario -- jawdroppingly impressive in so many ways.  I hope we run it again -- with a couple of small tweaks, with GV's still included, and in a mix of many other scenarios of all sorts of different types.

Offline TheBug

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« Reply #35 on: April 25, 2006, 08:24:58 PM »
Originally posted by jordi
Or the hard core days of AIR WARRIOR . . .

I think it was 1999 we had Scenario frames from different scenario groups 11 out of 12 months !

But I think the CANVAS we have to paint on in AH is so much better and broader than we had back in AW.

To think what we can with the terrain and fleets that move for a PEARL scenario just makes you wonder . . .

的t's a big ocean, you don't have to find the enemy if you don't want to."
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Offline TheBug

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« Reply #36 on: April 25, 2006, 08:32:07 PM »
Originally posted by Brooke
I think it's the opposite.  What you see is AH events *not* bending themselves to "fit the crowd."  

Sorry but you sound like the crowd to me, no disrespect intended.

Just to be clear and I'm not implying you claimed otherwise.  I never at any point requested the exclusion of GV ops in an AH event.  My request is that people have the choice to chose never having to be in a GV at the expense of having only one life.  That is it, period.  But also in no way do I support the believe that adding GVs adds realism to a scenario, actually I believe I expressed the exact opposite.

The observation/opinion that AH events have taken an "MA feel"(for lack of better slang) compared to events of the distant past from this sim and the ones that preceded it, is as I said an opinion.  And opinions being that, that they are, can not be wrong.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2006, 08:36:45 PM by TheBug »
的t's a big ocean, you don't have to find the enemy if you don't want to."
  -Richard O'Kane

Offline Brooke

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« Reply #37 on: April 25, 2006, 09:36:07 PM »
Originally posted by TheBug
Sorry but you sound like the crowd to me, no disrespect intended.

The crowd (i.e., the majority of players) does not want to drive GV's.  I advocate some scenarios with GV's.  I don't know how that would sound like the crowd to you.

Just to be clear and I'm not implying you claimed otherwise.  I never at any point requested the exclusion of GV ops in an AH event.  My request is that people have the choice to chose never having to be in a GV at the expense of having only one life.  That is it, period.  .

I'm clear on that.

But also in no way do I support the believe that adding GVs adds realism to a scenario, actually I believe I expressed the exact opposite..

Clearly, having GV's is more realistic for a scenario that is emulating a battle that had substantial GV involvement in it.  Stalin's Fourth is such a scenario.  I don't understand why you would express the opposite.

And opinions being that, that they are, can not be wrong.

Some opinions can be neither right nor wrong.  "The color green is nice" is an example.  Other opinions can be wrong.  If one has an opinion that 4 / 2 = 17, one's opinion is wrong.

Your opinion that you don't want to drive ground vehicles isn't wrong.  Your opinion that it would be better if people had more choice isn't wrong.  Your opinion that having GV's -- regardless of the scenario -- is less realistic is, I think, wrong.

But it doesn't matter.  Now we're just talking about what we each are saying mostly divorced from the main issue -- an argument over semantics.

On the main issue, of all the things I want in scenarios, part of that and how I advocate it be brought about will satisfy what you want.  That's the important thing.

Offline SKBG Seadog

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« Reply #38 on: April 26, 2006, 09:15:11 AM »
I just have one word "LONGBOW"

Offline jordi

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« Reply #39 on: April 26, 2006, 02:15:59 PM »
Or as I called it - TOO LONGBOW !

AW - AH Pilot 199? - 200?
Pulled out of Mothballs for DGS Allied Bomber Group Leader :)

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Offline Brooke

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« Reply #40 on: April 26, 2006, 02:38:02 PM »
Longbow in Air Warrior was a three-part 18-frame event.  I thought it was a blast.  Air Warrior had fewer players than Aces High has, but its player base was quite dedicated.  I don't recall massive drop offs in player attendence, even for such very long scenarios.  In Aces High, we would probably not be able to pull such a thing off right now.  We have a challenge maintaining attendance for 4-frame events.  As we get scenarios ramped up and get more of the AH player base to know about scenarios, we can probably lengthen at least some of them or have some of them be multi-part scenarios.  It will happen over time, I think.

Offline Tilt

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« Reply #41 on: April 26, 2006, 04:43:50 PM »
Originally posted by jordi
Or as I called it - TOO LONGBOW !

:rofl long I could not "buy into" it.

AW actually had more players in (all) the arenas than AH does but much fewer FR players who tended to be (by far) the bulk of the scenario goers.
Ludere Vincere

Offline TheBug

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« Reply #42 on: April 26, 2006, 05:34:59 PM »
Originally posted by Brooke
The crowd (i.e., the majority of players) does not want to drive GV's.  I advocate some scenarios with GV's.  I don't know how that would sound like the crowd to you.

Just to be clear and I'm not implying you claimed otherwise.  I never at any point requested the exclusion of GV ops in an AH event.  My request is that people have the choice to chose never having to be in a GV at the expense of having only one life.  That is it, period.  .

I'm clear on that.

But also in no way do I support the believe that adding GVs adds realism to a scenario, actually I believe I expressed the exact opposite..

Clearly, having GV's is more realistic for a scenario that is emulating a battle that had substantial GV involvement in it.  Stalin's Fourth is such a scenario.  I don't understand why you would express the opposite.

And opinions being that, that they are, can not be wrong.

Some opinions can be neither right nor wrong.  "The color green is nice" is an example.  Other opinions can be wrong.  If one has an opinion that 4 / 2 = 17, one's opinion is wrong.

Your opinion that you don't want to drive ground vehicles isn't wrong.  Your opinion that it would be better if people had more choice isn't wrong.  Your opinion that having GV's -- regardless of the scenario -- is less realistic is, I think, wrong.

But it doesn't matter.  Now we're just talking about what we each are saying mostly divorced from the main issue -- an argument over semantics.

On the main issue, of all the things I want in scenarios, part of that and how I advocate it be brought about will satisfy what you want.  That's the important thing. [/B][/QUOTE]

Yes sir you are correct it is semantics, but hardly an opportunity for an argument because you are most blatantly wrong.  Let me repeat myself--By definition an opinion can not be wrong.  I strongly suggest taking advantage of the opportunities that online dictionaries have to offer.  If you need further understanding a quick search found this article which better illustrates the point.

But I do agree, we are better off sticking with the topic at hand

In regards to GV Ops in my opinion :)  they make scenarios less realistic due to the believe that their usage is a far, very far cry from any semblence to their use historically.  Be it tactics, dispositions, missions roles etc.. I find it all comical.  I think a greater sense of realism could be had in scenarios using an implied ground war through CM manipulation and registered effects of aircraft mission results.  Would that take some of the "fun" factor out of scenarios for certain people?  No doubt, that is why I am in no sense an advocate for their removal from scenarios.  As for any realism that just their mere presence adds, you won't convince me to alter my opinion there.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2006, 06:28:43 PM by TheBug »
的t's a big ocean, you don't have to find the enemy if you don't want to."
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Offline Brooke

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« Reply #43 on: April 26, 2006, 09:14:15 PM »
TheBug, you are saying that my opinion (which is that opinions can be wrong) is wrong.  That's inconsistent.  Furthermore, the definition of "opinion" is not what you think it is.  The definition of "opinion" is not "a belief that cannot be right or wrong."  The definition of "opinion" is a belief not necessarily supported by proof or evidence.  An opinion can still end up being right, wrong, or neither (regardless of any article to the contrary by a newspaper columnist).  To reiterate a previous clear example, if one has the opinion is that 4 / 2 = 17, one's opinion is just plain provably wrong.

As for the other stuff -- in a scenario modelling a battle with significant GV's in it, you believe it's more realistic to leave GV's out than to have them in.  Fine.  I will no longer make any attempt to convince you otherwise.

Offline TheBug

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« Reply #44 on: April 26, 2006, 10:14:54 PM »
Originally posted by Brooke
TheBug, you are saying that my opinion (which is that opinions can be wrong) is wrong.  That's inconsistent.  Furthermore, the definition of "opinion" is not what you think it is.  The definition of "opinion" is not "a belief that cannot be right or wrong."  The definition of "opinion" is a belief not necessarily supported by proof or evidence.  An opinion can still end up being right, wrong, or neither (regardless of any article to the contrary by a newspaper columnist).  To reiterate a previous clear example, if one has the opinion is that 4 / 2 = 17, one's opinion is just plain provably wrong.

As for the other stuff -- in a scenario modelling a battle with significant GV's in it, you believe it's more realistic to leave GV's out than to have them in.  Fine.  I will no longer make any attempt to convince you otherwise.

I can disagree with your opinion.  Opinions can not be wrong, it's not up to you to decide that.  It is a fact of the English language.  Saying an opinion is wrong is the equivalent of saying 4/2=17.  You are misunderstanding the definition of opinion.  I don't know how to convince you of that via a BBS.  You can't have an "opinion" on mathematical facts, you are misusing the word.

"An opinion is a person's ideas and thoughts towards something. It is an assessment, judgement or evaluation of something. An opinion is not a fact, because opinions are not falsifiable.

In economics, philosophy, or other social sciences, analysis based on opinions is referred to as normative analysis (what ought to be), as opposed to positive analysis, which is based on observation (what is)."

P.S.  Falsifiable is a fancy way to say can't be wrong.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2006, 10:25:54 PM by TheBug »
的t's a big ocean, you don't have to find the enemy if you don't want to."
  -Richard O'Kane