Originally posted by Captain Virgil Hilts
I'm serious. He amuses me. This drivel is really funny to me.
You were exactly right, being in the presence of that without something to help remain calm might cause someone to do something they shouldn't. My wife simply understands that I have a nasty temper. She merely said "you two will go down there with the best of intentions, but your temper will get the best of you. You might just do something to cause more pain to that family". And she was right. My temper makes me get stupid sometimes. It is a fault that causes me no small amount of trouble and sometimes embarassment. It has gotten my bellybutton whipped as well.
Idiots have a tendency to read something into things that simply is not there. Nowhere did I claim I was a badass and was headed down there to kick the crap out of anyone. I merely said I was going down there with some friends. A clueless dolt ASSumed the rest. Our intention was to support the family and create a presence between them and the protestors. I did however say that we might have been lead by my temper to do something unwise.
You claimed exactly that...that you were going down there to physically confront them by taking their signs and trashing them. I read exactly what you wrote. Maybe you need to actually write with more clarity as it pertains to your actual intentions.
Anyway...you're easily aroused and quick to anger, but obviously slow of wit and action.
As for the subject matter....It pisses me off too, and I had the same initial reaction you did. I just didn't "load up in the pick-up" on a BBS.
BTW, I hate Michael Moore...not sure how you think I thought anything else.