From the land of the setting sun comes a beast of a pilot whose merciless tactics will claim him many a victory! He's been know to rip the arms off those who disrespect him. He goes by many an Alias including, but not limited to:
Slim Pizzy
Big Pizzy
Big Daddy Kane Pizzy
Lil' Pizzy
Young Pizzy
Young Boy Young Pizzy
FYI-Pizzy is pronounced pee'Zee
But for all of you poor souls who are unfortunet enough to cross his path, you will know him as the bringer of death, destruction, and demise.
In the AH H2H (and maybe in the MA too sumday) who may address him by either 'sir' or more likely PizzyP
Either way by golly A STORM IS COMING!!!:O
p.s. PizzyP will be second in cammand of the soon to be formed Yoshimbo Squadron (currently in the process of creating name, website, etc.)