Author Topic: 7 Days  (Read 2774 times)

Offline Toad

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« Reply #120 on: April 19, 2006, 09:38:27 PM »
You don't want to discuss the General's Revolt?
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Offline Nash

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« Reply #121 on: April 19, 2006, 09:57:32 PM »
Originally posted by Toad
Now, that worked so well, let's move on to your point two, "The Generals Revolt".

Sorry Toad, I'm not ignoring you or your question...

My answer to my "point two" would be that I think you've missed the point of my post.

Sure, each of those bullets could, on their own, constitute much grist for the mill, and we could certainly work through them one by one, but the fact of their existence is not up for debate. In other words, they are irrefutable happenings in a period of seven days, devoid of any opinion and speculation by me or anyone else.

They happened. They just are.

It was a  cold snapshot of seven days under this administration, and my point, if you could call it that, was to ask in essence "double you tee eff?!"

It's insanity.

You've never shyed away from examination and discourse, Toad. And while you and I only tend to agree maybe ten percent of the time, I have a great deal of respect for you, because I think that you take your responsibility as a citizen seriously. Hell, you're one of the few guys here that seems to understand that citizenship and all that it entails is not a luxury, not a birthright, but an obligation... an always explicit pact between you and the founding fathers.

A government of the people, by the people, and for the people.

What happened?

We must consider that Democracy is not just a matter of happenstance or mere dumb luck, but that it comes with strings attached. It's not some random perk of the job. It requires everyone's sweat to make it work effectively. It certainly does not benefit by those who so swiftly roll over and play dead, or lip sync to some bellybutton on morning radio.

And it's far too vital to get it wrong so consistently.

The fields of history are strewn with the bodies of those who never even saw it coming. Law certainly doesn't care if you were ignorant to it.

This administration is an abomination. Plain and simple. It's an insulting affront to everything that is America; everything that it was founded upon. Its every ideal, its every good intention.

It works to erode the very freedoms that it espouses like mantra. To resounding applause. The natural and necessary tension that once connected the branches of government, now completely shattered by the arrogant idea of a unitary executive. It's outrageous. Offensive.

Like some drunkard working the rail lines, Bush passed out on the switch, derailing the train and potentially sending everyone over a cliff.

An unmitigated train wreck of a Presidency.

And now... like some desperate gambler who has watched his stockpile of "mandate" chips rapidly diminish, starts preparing to actually go for the Hail Mary, and pull that last twenty bucks tucked away in his sock and just start lobbing nukes.

What does a nihilist have to lose, anyways? Christ.

Bush Senior's Administration, who once had an approval rating in the twenties, were wise, thoughtful elder statesmen compared to this gang of lunatics.

Patriots.... true patriots, must hold everyone who is accountable for this, accountable. And everyone in support, complicit. History will judge, and judge soberly. While ignorance may serve as the feeble excuse, it will certainly not mean exoneration.

Look to history. And pay more than lip service to the idea called Democracy. It doesn't exist without you, and it fails when you fail.

Offline Hangtime

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« Reply #122 on: April 19, 2006, 09:59:11 PM »
Originally posted by Nash
While I couldn't even begin to imagine the forces tugging on a person at that level, I have this naive expectation that good men rise up and call a spade a spade, the second they recognize one.

Silly me, though.

The more I hear him talk about what he didn't do, the more I lose respect for him.

Gramps called him a spade the first time he ever laid eyes on him. The older that old bastard gets, the smarter he seems to be.
The price of Freedom is the willingness to do sudden battle, anywhere, any time and with utter recklessness... home, or abroad.

Offline Rolex

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« Reply #123 on: April 19, 2006, 11:07:07 PM »
"Gramps called him a spade the first time he ever laid eyes on him. The older that old bastard gets, the smarter he seems to be." - Hangtime

Aw, well there we have it.

Time to part ways.

Offline lazs2

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« Reply #124 on: April 20, 2006, 10:14:37 AM »
after all this flowery heartfelt tugging at patriotism and doing the right thing by nash...

The only solution he has is for us to hate republicans and vote for a democrat...

unless I missed something?   nash is not even an American... he doesn't even like Americans.   He likes socialists and simply want's his neighbors to be more socialist like him.

so nash... that is your solution right?  vote for democrats?

That is no solution at all...  voting for a democrat over a republican only makes things much worse for the average man.

You don't want democrats to put in supreme court justices that think that "emminent domain" means that the state owns your property or one that comes up with "hate crimes" or (even more orwellian) "hate speech"  can you imagi9ne?  hate speech?  

Democrats who feel that the state should educate your kids and that you should have no choice in the school that they go to...  that junk science is a good enough reason to change the way you live with a heavy handed EPA....

That feels that social security and medicare and medicade and schools need to be funded more and more every year till we are all broke...

A party that thinks it can tax us into prosperity.... one that thinks the government is allways the best solution to every problem but hasn't solved a problem ever... one that "feels" that guns are terrible things and that the founders didn't know what they were talking about..

seatbelts and helmet laws..... just tiny little things....

Those are the things that nash would like you to forget about and focus on the evil (that doesn't even affect you) that is the Republican party...

A party that made the average tax on people go from the high in klinton days of 21% to the now tax burden today of 17%

yeah.... I really want to dump a few bad republican so bad that I would sign my life off to the commie democrats...


Offline Toad

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« Reply #125 on: April 20, 2006, 08:12:59 PM »
Originally posted by Nash
Sorry Toad, I'm not ignoring you or your question...

My answer to my "point two" would be that I think you've missed the point of my post.

Actually, I'm beginning to think you didn't HAVE a point when you posted. Remember this?

Originally posted by Nash
Oh geeze, Toad.

A mere six years ago any single ONE of those points would be worthy of eighteen hundred threads and several thousand pages of discussion here. You were here back then, right? Nowadays, you can put a dozen of them in one place on any given week and can hear a pin drop.

What happened to everyone?

So you DIDN'T want threads and pages of discussion?  Which is it?


but the fact of their existence is not up for debate. In other words, they are irrefutable happenings in a period of seven days, devoid of any opinion and speculation by me or anyone else.

They happened. They just are.

They happened. Somehow though, you seem to think everyone shares your interpretation of the meaning of those events. That, of course, is not necessarily so.

Powell for example. To me, Powell's quote is significant more for his self-indictment. You castigate me for eventually deciding to support the invasion based on what my old CO in the intel biz told me and with the caveat that WMD had to be found sooner or later to justify the war.

What do you think of Powell then? An American with high military and political stature who KNEW something wasn't right and didn't speak out. Au Contraire; he continued to make a case for the Administration while he KNEW part of it was incorrect.

You ought to be flaming him far more severely.

The Generals? You'll always find retired Generals that don't like whoever was their last SecDef. You'll note a bunch of Generals just came out in support of Rumsfeld in the past few days? So what's that mean? What do you make of that fact that just exists?

Rumsfeld suprised me; I didn't think his warplan was going to be worth dung. However, we rolled up the Iraqis in very short order with really light casualties.  I was wrong.

His post war plans sucked. No doubt about it. That suprised me too. I figured they'd be poor but not this incredibly poor.

During his tenure, he did canx some weapons systems and force changes in policy that were bound to P.O. some generals. Couple that with his post-war failures and I'm not suprised that he has opposition.

How good was he? Without his post-war screwup, he'd be rated a decent SecDef. Unfortunately for him, one "awshirt" wipes out one thousand attaboys.

All this being just another example of the FACT that while some retired generals openly oppose him that FACT has different meanings and implication for different people. Your opinion is the only one that counts for you but that doesn't necessarily make it the only one that counts for others.

What happened?

I'll tell ya what happened. In the last TWO Presidential elections we had piss-poor choices from both major parties. As a result we ended up with a piss-poor choice in the office of President.

Now, what to do, what to do.

We can take to the streets and force him from office. Yah, right. Ain't gonna happen in the USA. This isn't a banana republic.

As I mentioned in my letter that you saw, I think impeachment is the right action. He led us into a war that cannot be justified under Just War Theory.

Two problems with impeachment. One, you'd end up with Cheney in office unless he gets impeached as well. I doubt even you would swap Bush for Cheney.

The other is that the people with the power to start impeachment... are sitting on their hands. The United States House of Representatives has taken no formal actions toward the impeachment of Bush, nor are they scheduled to do so. Conyers and Boxer have been raising the issue for a couple of years almost and... zip, nada, nothing.

I have to assume that these people with far more political power, more "intelligence info" on the possible charges and far more money to stir up a storm are unable to bring it off. So where does that leave me? I have to believe impeachment just isn't going to happen unless some further "smoking gun" appears.

So, no banana republic, no impeachment. Looks like we're stuck with him for the duration to me.

All one can do is try to find a decent man to vote for in the '06 Senate and House races. And party isn't an issue on that... it's who will do what needs to be done?

We've got hard choices coming up on Iraq; the American people won't stand for the loss of blood and treasure forever without some hope of the Iraqis getting their act together. Then there's the budget/deficit, alternative energy and lots of other stuff.

This administration is an abomination. Plain and simple. It's an insulting affront to everything that is America; everything that it was founded upon. Its every ideal, its every good intention.

Nah. It's just bad. It's not the antichrist. It's more the gang that couldn't shoot straight, except the things they screw up aren't funny.

now completely shattered by the arrogant idea of a unitary executive. It's outrageous. Offensive.

Overblown hyperbole; the SC still rules this country. Remember "the mills of God grind slowly but they grind exceedingly fine"? There may well be Executive branch excesses; they will, however, be reined in eventually.

Patriots.... true patriots, must hold everyone who is accountable for this, accountable. And everyone in support, complicit. History will judge, and judge soberly. While ignorance may serve as the feeble excuse, it will certainly not mean exoneration.

Like Powell? ;)  As I said, there's going to have to be more evidence or Conyers and Boxer still have a non-starter. And the people aren't going to take to the streets in revolution... trust me on that one.

Look to history. And pay more than lip service to the idea called Democracy. It doesn't exist without you, and it fails when you fail.

Indeed, look to history. Rome for example; bread and circuses. Look at Rolex's summation upthread about maturing societies.

I am not confidant and I'm glad I'm kinda old, on the backside of the hill.
« Last Edit: April 20, 2006, 08:17:06 PM by Toad »
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Offline lazs2

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« Reply #126 on: April 21, 2006, 08:39:16 AM »
are we getting a call for patriotism from a...... canadian?

The guys in Iraq are volunteers... they seem ok with it.

If I was gonna revolt it would be over some of the unconstituional human rights violations the democrats have visited on us..

And that is the simple thing of it nash.... your socialists piss people off a lot more than anything Bush is doing.

You wonder why we aren't in a revolution?  We feel better off than if say...

your darling kerrie had gotten in and nominated a buttload of judges..

Anything Bush has or will do is more than made up for by keeping any more of your people out of the judicial branch.


Offline Urchin

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« Reply #127 on: April 21, 2006, 11:45:32 AM »
See Rule #4
« Last Edit: April 21, 2006, 05:42:39 PM by Skuzzy »

Offline Toad

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« Reply #128 on: April 21, 2006, 04:42:07 PM »
Urchin, Conyers can't even get a significant number of DEMOCRATS to join him. That's my point.

If they thought they had him, they'd be falling all over each other to give it a shot.

But they aren't. They've got money, they've got access to information we'll never see and they've got motive.

What they haven't got, even amongst the Democrats, is any kind of support. What's that tell you?
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen!

Offline Urchin

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« Reply #129 on: April 21, 2006, 04:50:11 PM »
Common sense?  

The democrats havent got the votes in the House to even impeach, much less the votes in the Senate to convict.

Since thats the case... why bother?

Offline SirLoin

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« Reply #130 on: April 21, 2006, 05:07:17 PM »
There was no WMD Bush knew that..he was willing to gamble they would   find some on invasion...after all his party sold em the krap.

Now he is nowhere near the front line and some 3k AMI soldiers have paid the price.

Some "Decisionator" eh?

Offline Sandman

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« Reply #131 on: April 21, 2006, 06:07:11 PM »
Originally posted by Urchin
Common sense?  

The democrats havent got the votes in the House to even impeach, much less the votes in the Senate to convict.

Since thats the case... why bother?

I agree with your conclusion but for a different reason.

Imagine that Bush was impeached just for a second.

Who's next in line?

Waste of time.