Maverick, IIRC you are a cop, right?. Your point of view is that of a policeman, and is right. That guy was endangering other men's life.
But, apart that fishu's right in his remarks that the most car chases seen in films are from America, remember that there are a lot of car chases in TV news.
Most of them are from US,and the times that a car is running so fast is that the driver has something serious to hide...a robbery, drugs, whatever. So I think that the year on the jail because the car chase won't be so important for the driver than the other felonies he surely has commited. In fact, seen from the moron's point of view for sure is worth to risk the extra year in jail to try avoiding the 15 years for Drug trade.
Anyway, I am sure that Staga posted it as a spectacular chase involving two impressive cars, a Saab9000 (I LOVE SAABS!), and a 380CV Lotus, not as a "look, this guy running from the police is kewl" thing.
The film is spectacular indeed and worth to be seen,regardless that the stupid in the Lotus is a moron that deserves some time in a jail to make him think about road chases.
[This message has been edited by RAM (edited 10-17-2000).]