Author Topic: Fun times  (Read 616 times)

Offline macleod01

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Fun times
« Reply #15 on: September 12, 2006, 05:14:59 PM »
i really enjoy the game, but i have to admit it gets a bit annoying when it is 7 on 1 odds in my favour (Im in the seven) And the darn Hurri Mk2c always manages to get on my tail and kill! No one else, its like the AH world has it in for me (Especially TeeArr, if I die, chances are its him). But its fun trying to shoot people down whilst in a spin! :D  Its brilliant fun and im certainly here to stay. Maybe not in the air, i spend most of my time in an anticlockwise spin straight DOWN
seeds have been laid...but they arent trees we're growing. we're growing organic grenades!- 321BAR
I'd have a better chance in running into a Dodo Bird in the middle of rush hour, walking down the I-5 with two hookers in tow before I see a useful post from glock89- Ack-Ack

Offline rv6

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Fun times
« Reply #16 on: September 13, 2006, 06:21:48 AM »
"Fun"?  I'd prefer the words "Immersively Fun".


Another long, dark, cold, winter weekend day in New England.  Ice & snow flying sideways.  Cooped up in the house (again!) with wife's prattering yap, kids running crazy, cat & dog fighting in the kitchen, etc.

You put on your Hi-Fi-3d headset, tuck feet under cockpit desk edge onto rudder peddles, put hands gently upon stick & throttle, and fire up AH Online!

Like being teleported into a virtual world of COOLNESS!  A virtual world at WAR!  And you are THERE!  Destructive hellacious fire-power at your fingertips!  People talking live-time, planning, cursing, laughing..  And you are THERE!

The wifes meaningless pratter fades away,, the kids (what kids?),, screw the snowstorm outside..  They all fade from focus as you slam that throttle forward to the stops..

$15 a month?  FOR THIS?  The greatest "escape" of all time?  Ha!
Make it $150 a month.  Count me in..