I think it should be named "The Pure Evil Act."
"Even the current wording of the DMCA has alarmed security researchers. Ed Felten, the Princeton professor, told the Copyright Office last month that he and a colleague were the first to uncover the so-called 'rootkit' on some Sony BMG Music Entertainment CDs--but delayed publishing their findings for fear of being sued under the DMCA."
This act will move the entire IPR system and business models further out-of-whack with the 21st century.
Attorney General Gonzales endorses the bill using "terror hysteria" that proceeds from copyright infringement are used, "quite frankly, to fund terrorism activities."
This bill will add more powers to the current bill that has been used to restrict parody and satire, force ISPs to reveal p2p user identities, limit streaming radio, prevent cellphone/service unlocks and prevent fair use DVD copying.
Couple this with the coming end to net neutrality tricked, bought and paid for by the major telecoms (using your money under the completely misleading campaign of "Saving our internet!"), and you've created a black hole of monopoly to trap innovation and squash creativity and startups.
The major media and largest websites will have the money to outbid independent sites for access through your provider. If Amazon pays your provider more, you'll get fast connection to Amazon.com, but will have sit and wait for any other booksellers website to load. After waiting and waiting time for each page view from the non-Amazon site, you'll simply go to Amazon out of frustration.