Here is the script
http://warezhouse.1g.fi/here/aceshigh/te_stuff/Blender3D/AH2v1_export.zipZip file contains the AH2v1_export.py script, onames.txt temp file for script and ah_opd.txt. Unzip these to the Blender's script folder
This script is meant to the OE ready object export only. It will export ALL current scene objects, except those ones, which name starts with ! or with #.
The format of the ah_opd.txt file
(beginning of the ah_opd.txt file)
[object or group name], [properties1] [properties2][enter]
[object or group name], [prperties1] [properties2] [properties3][enter]
(end of the ah_opd.txt file
* Use only one space between the words.
* No extra spaces end of the lines.
* After the last line you must hit the enter ones.
Hierarchy tree
This script co-operate with the Blender hierarchy tree, called 'Out Liner', where the script takes the parent-kids information.
Anyhow, you can over-ride the Blender hierarchy tree order with in following limits. The group and object places in ah_opd.txt hierarchy tree can change as long as kids number (number of the sub groups or objects) match with Blender hierarchy tree.
The object and group names are case sensitive and they must match with blender group and object names.
Object Properties Data
* Not case sensitive text if not announced so by HTC.
* Don't use spaces with in property: Wrong dead = 1, right dead=1.
* You must separate each property with one space.
The ah_opd.txt file must be save to the Blender's script folder.