Filth, looks good. I haven't played much lately, but I'll try to participate. By the way, I have a suggestion for future bomber events. In addition to the engagement line over the channel (there presumably to simulate the constraints faced by the LW in real life), you might consider putting a no-engagement zone around the target. This would be a circle of, say, 5 miles in radius, that represents the flak envelope around the target.
In real life, the LW fighters didn't follow the bombers into this zone, because flak was indescriminant about what it hits. Of course, in AH this is the best time to attack a buff, because the player is the gunner and the bombardier (can't do both at the same time). However, this does not match real life, so if the AH map target has flak covering it (which cities do), the LW players should break off and stay outside this no-engagement zone. While it is sometimes easy for the intercepting pilots to loose track of where they are when hunting the buffs, the puffy flak engaging the bombers should certainly remind them to break off.