There are 3 types of videos you can make
1. Music Video
2. A Trailer
3. A...Movie?
1. Music Video
This is about the easiest type of video to make.
Step 0: pick some songs/music you like
Step 1: Play AH2 extensively. Remember to open the recorder.
Step 3: Search your recordings, find video segments that you think is cool (Remember to try all possible camera angles and moves)
Step 4: Export the video segments into AVI (Either with FRAPS or the built in exporting utitliy)
Step 5: Edit the video segment. Adjust brightness, hue, effects, and time span.
Step 6: Edit the music. Ajust the sound, the part your like.. etc.
Step 7: Combined the video segments, music segment, audio segments together. (I use Ulead Media Studio, but I heard Adobe's Premiere is better)
Step 8: Review and revise......
Step 9: Share it!! (!!MUST!!)
2. A Trailer
It's basically similar to MV, but a trailer has a stronger theme. It's an abstarct of a story and is very attractive. If this trailer could make ppl want to jump into the cockpit right after watching it, then this is a perfect trailer.
(i.e. Ace Combat 5, Zero's trailers...)
Besides the flying actions, trailers might involve characters, voice acting.
Currently, there's no solution to these issues (unless you can tell a story with the pilot model in AH2).
3. A Movie........
..Sorry.....Impossible ATM......
Hope the first part helps...