Originally posted by Speed55
I forgot to mention that she actually tried to stab me with a piece of a broken mirror while i was eating dinner. This is after trying to help her many times.. Holding her down on various occasions so she wouldn't hurt herself or someone else. She was on meds at the time, that a shrink said would stop her from acting violently. I got fed up with it all, i'm not rich, and i was supporting myself and someone that turned into a basket case. I couldn't do it anymore. She was an off an on stripper, so when i left she went back to that. There's alot to the the story. My point being, if she was never abused, she in all likely hood, would have been fine. Therefore, the people that do things like this, and ruin peoples lives should be put down, like rabid animals. So i am a coward in your eyes, and a barbarian in someone elses. Who cares.
That makes it more understandable. I apologize and retract my previous statement.
Originally posted by Speed55
I can read just fine, and again, sorry, i didn't explain myself properly.
Incarcerated or not, how is that going to stop the people that are on the streets from committing these crimes?
Supposing all this testing did actually find a cure, which in itself is highly unlikely. They would have to give every american citizen some kind of psychiological examination and i guess there would be a pass=normal, fail=loon outcome? In which case all those that are determined loons were some how supplied with anti-maniac pills by our govt. And then if they forget to take there meds one day, and they "accidently" murder a little girl or something we just say, oh well, it wasn't his fault. Lets just have a nurse live with him and make sure he takes his meds every 8 hours like he's supposed to. Or maybe put him in another little box with people probing him to figure out why he forgot to take them.
That ultimately becomes a question of freedom vs. surveillance. Do you want to wait until someone commits a sex crime? Or do you prefer mandatory genetic and psychological screening (in schools for instance) to catch possible future offenders and “deal with” them accordingly (I don’t know what that would be exactly seeing how they haven’t yet committed any crimes).
Big issue and one that becomes more and more important as our societies evolve technologically.
Originally posted by Speed55
In all honesty i think you have good points. But i don't think the time money effort are worth it, and there are so many loopholes. I think science is great, and generally helps the world in many ways, but what your talking about is science fiction
I’m sorry you feel that way, but you’re entitled to your opinion. The alternative punishments that I have advocated in this thread are not science-fiction, but science-fact and in use in other countries today. With very successful results I might add (not one repeat offender so far (last I heard)). Off course their justice systems work differently and have the necessary authority to pioneer such alternative punishments. Unlike US Courts which seem more rigid and restrictive.
One thing we can agree on: Releasing untreated sex predators back on the streets after short jail sentences is madness. I prefer your solution over that any day.
Originally posted by Maverick
Uv and whatever letters you choose to use for a name,
Its uvwpvW, and it becomes more understandable if you read it upside-down.
Originally posted by Maverick
First off let me address the mistaken impression you obviously have regarding my post about not equal penalties. In no place in that post did I mention the death penalty. Nor was I referring to it. In this case I was referring to your statement of equal penalty under the law. Do not twist my words or attempt to put words in my mouth. If you have a question about what I post feel free to ask for a clarification but don’t figure to twist it to something I didn’t say.
I believe there has been a misunderstanding. You responded to a post of mine where I was referring to the indiscriminate use of the death penalty advocated by other people in this thread.
To clarify: No I don’t believe in “absolute justice”, so I think we are in agreement there.
Originally posted by Maverick
Not all of the offenders will be treatable, either by psychiatry, hospitalization or chemical means. Those need to be incarcerated and separated from society so they cannot prey on the innocent again.
We are inn full agreement there. However I suggest they be incarcerated in a place where they can be studied rather than just prison. It won’t cost more, and if the scientists don’t want them, just stick them back in jail.
Originally posted by Maverick
Second issue, the cruel and unusual. I don’t recall the courts having agreed with your premise that chemical or physical castration is not cruel and unusual. Until they do I cannot accept it as a wide spread and more importantly, a permanent solution. There are means available to counter the castration issue. Can you say Viagra? It’s even available through the internet.
Viagra is ineffectual against chemical castration, but even if a “counter agent” exists the point is moot. If the offender is not willing to use the medication of his own volition, he is obviously not safe for society and is incarcerated as previously mentioned.
Originally posted by Maverick
I loved this part of your post.
These people are criminally insane and not safe for release back in society. They should be sentenced to psychiatric incarceration where they can be studied. Insane people are a far too valuable scientific commodity to be squandered by the executioner. Some day their study may help other people get well, or even prevent such inanities. endquote
There has already been a bit of study. Quite a bit in fact and yet there is no “cure”. Now how long are you going to “study” them and how will you “study” them? I believe there is precedent for “study”. Would you be referring to them as “untermenchen” as well?
There is no “cure” for the condition, but there is a remedy for the symptoms (perverted sex drive). As with all science I believe everything is worth studying until all is known. The human psyche is especially important for fighting violent crime.
As for your “untermenschen” comment: If I were to call them that, it would be a move up for them. Most people in this thread seem to regard them as “rabid animals” and whatnot. To answer you question: No I will not be reffering to them as “untermenschen” as well. I think they are tortured individuals that need help. Preferably before they commit these horrible crimes.
Originally posted by Maverick
If there were a “cure” I’d be happy to see it used. Would it be used before or after the offense? Voluntary or not?
That is ultimately a question of freedom. A very difficult question.
Originally posted by Maverick
Now enough about the person committing the assault. What do you propose for the victims?
That is also a question of freedom. I would prefer free mandatory medical and phycriatric help and follow ups later in life. However that is also a question of social politics, capitalism vs. socialism. Where do we find the equilibrium that gives us the security we need, yet doesn’t take away our freedom?
Originally posted by Maverick
Lastly if these folks are so important to you I am sure you'd be willing to take responsibility for them, maybe even house them with your family.
On this issue I have to go for the socialist solution (something I not often do). If you’re more of a Libertarian then I guess your options are limited to the method of execution. I was raised a Christian and I believe all people are important, even if they are defective and cannot be easily repaired. I believe the death penalty should be reserved for those that willfully commit horrible crimes for gain or vanity. Those that are driven to it by illness or insanity deserve our pity, not our wrath.
Your opinions may differ, but I suggest we leave it at that?
Brenjen, I’m not going to respond to that. You’ve made your opinion clear, so have I.