Author Topic: Sorry JBs and UKNIGHTED  (Read 354 times)

Offline RSLQK186

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« on: May 27, 2006, 06:47:39 AM »
We were way short on pilots and I concernd myself with that instead of pre flight coordination. I went with the orders as is even though I had some questions.

We started 2 sectors behind you (A40) and saw that fuel was an issue. So we climbed at reduced settings figuring high alt preformance would make up the fuel and distance. Had plenty of time I thought.

When plans changed to a more direct aproach we were way out of position and missed the party. You must have put up quite a fuss as there were only 2 CAPers left when we got there. We made them disingage from LTARdeth, but he had an engine hit and ditched anyway :(

I usualy test and practice the plan on Friday morning but had to work this one. If I had, I'd have taken more fuel or had us moved to your start base.
Founder- Special events contingent
"I'm very very sneaky"

Offline BBQ_Bob

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« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2006, 11:15:20 AM »
We also were a little short on pilots due to the holiday weekend I suppose. We had 5 to start with.  
We also noticed that fuel was going to be an issue, if we would have stuck to the plan we would have had enough to make it there but not back so we decided to take 100% and the DT's. We arrived at 20 and engaged several Hurri's, it seemed like at any given time each one of us had at least 2 Hurricanes  chasing us. We fought the good fight and tried to keep them off the JB's, we wanted to buy them as much time as we could but alas we fell short. I can only hope they hit there targets and did damage to the allied swine.
I could say that between Navajo and myself we took out 20 planes but we will never know because of the log situation (we sucked) Actually I think the only thing I hit was the ground.:aok
UKNIGHTED Propaganda Minister
"There are no Hells Angels in the MA, never"

"they are nowhere near the airport ..they are lost in the desert...they can not read a compass...they are retarded."

For a good time ~~