Author Topic: Zarko lasts for one hour: What would you say?  (Read 189 times)

Offline Dos Equis

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Zarko lasts for one hour: What would you say?
« on: June 12, 2006, 11:43:53 AM »,,1795874,00.html

In all liklihood, his ear drums had been shattered and his lungs scarred from the blast heat. The concussive force of both 5ks must have rocked his world. But let's pretend he could still see and hear in those final 30 after the team got to him.

What would you have said to him just as you got to him?

Here's mine: "tell Allah to teach you how to clear a SAW properly"

or maybe put your combat knife to his throat, "we're gonna behead you after you die"

Offline Maverick

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Zarko lasts for one hour: What would you say?
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2006, 12:15:56 PM »
One of 2 things.

AMF except not just innitials


Here's some bacon to take with you on your trip hugahunk. (As it is stuffed in his mouth.)
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Offline Goomba

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Zarko lasts for one hour: What would you say?
« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2006, 12:17:36 PM »
After a half-ton of high explosives detonated at point blank range, I have to imagine that "lived" is a more medical than practical term.

If he actually retained enough awareness to do so, I hope he hurt beyond the ability of words to describe.

And I love this one;

despite claims he had been beaten by US troops after being pulled from the rubble.

So what if we had beat the living, gurgling snot out of him?  What of it?  What's the logic here...we have a right to blow his backside to Kingdom Come, but if it doesn't work, we're morally bound to restore him to health?  I just don't get the implied thinking sometimes.

Apparently, for some folks, a person can't be evil or heinous or horrendous enough to deserve so much as a harsh talking to.


What would I have told him?  I'd have told him that we'd also found his family, and we're going to get them all, and bury each with the corpse of a swine for company.  In Central Park.  Facing Los Angeles.

Offline Mickey1992

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Zarko lasts for one hour: What would you say?
« Reply #3 on: June 12, 2006, 12:22:51 PM »
"....despite claims he had been beaten by US troops after being pulled from the rubble"

Nice.  Everyone in the house died, and the Iraqi military was first on the scene.  So who is it that is "claiming" that US troops stomped on him?  Mainstream media printing rumors again?