Author Topic: World of Warcraft  (Read 1482 times)

Offline Gunthr

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World of Warcraft
« Reply #45 on: June 11, 2006, 04:22:23 PM »
Im level 63 Mage.  I'm looking for a decent woman in there.  I'm done with the sluts in real life.  I'm looking to hook up and start a virtual family.  If any of you know a decent women who can be a show woman and a dirt woman at the same time, please steer her towards me.  I will pay gold.  In the game, I am known as SoulBlighter666.    Thx.
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Offline TPIguy

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« Reply #46 on: June 11, 2006, 04:39:27 PM »
Last I checked shadowbane was free to play. No trial, just plain free. The graphics suck and its still a bit laggy, but its probibly the best PVP mmo around.

Offline Grayeagle

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« Reply #47 on: June 11, 2006, 10:38:16 PM »
DDO is not about PvP at all .. so far.

UO was all about just how much of a greifer could you and yer 'kewl dood' friends be?

See naked miner, kill naked miner!
Look, over there .. someone is having fun with some friends, lets kill them all, take their stuff, and use all the words from 8th grade playgrounds .. just for 'fun' .. ya .. UO was a real 'fun' ..for those types.

Unfortunately, I wasn't 8 years old so I didn't 'enjoy' greifers much.
PimPMASTAH as a name for a character just doesn't 'do it' for me in a role playing game.

I did enjoy hunting 'kewl doods' for awhile .. but they were always so predictable it got kinda old. Kinda like vulchin a dweeb only worse.

I enjoy workin with a competent group to overcome an encounter that is challenging.. a good group who knows what they are doin makes a bad group look *really* bad :)  example: sailin thru a dungeon just doin it by the numbers, tank holding aggro, using the right weapon for the job, cleric keepin on top of heals-buffs, caster keepin on top of what's happenin, whole group maintaining fast-pace, just slaughterin their way through a dungeon that any 2 or 3 of them would not have a chance at.

It's very much like bein bounced in yer Spit at 4k by 4-5 bandits comin in from 10k .. and you and yer wingman (you do have one dont you?) ..just eatin em like a light snack.. or keepin em from seein your bombers entirely.

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Offline bozon

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« Reply #48 on: June 12, 2006, 03:37:35 AM »
I've had it with all MMORPG. Dark age of camelot was the only one fun but even there I couldn't stand the grind. Never understood why I have to go through a month or two of pain just to get to the big Realm vs. Realm war. Even then it was all about chasing after good equipment instead of fighting. Warhammer might be decent if Mythic have learned something from DAoC.

The only next mmorpg I seriously consider playing is "Pirates of the burning sea". But I fear even that will get old really fast.

There is always AH though :D
Unless CT will turn out to be another mmorpg pain the the b...

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Offline Dos Equis

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« Reply #49 on: June 12, 2006, 11:59:16 AM »
Originally posted by Gunthr
If any of you know a decent women who can be a show woman and a dirt woman at the same time, please steer her towards me.    Thx.

LMAO. I know its a troll, but a "show woman and a dirt woman"? ROTFL.

I think Danica Patrick is a show woman and a dirt woman at the same time.