Reading the Jaws brought back this memory..
Since I was about 9 years old every weekend, and every day during the summer My dad would drop Me and friend a two off at Coleto creek (the creek not the lake) and we would fish all day and get picked up later. Coleto has what is called "stained" water, giving it a tea like look and a visablilty of about 1.5 to 2 feet, it was and still is EXCELLENT bass fishing, for those who would wade through it (and sometimes swim) I have caught 2 Bass their that I have on my wall and have caught as many as 65 in one day (most small but still fun), anywho, we would carry these rolled up ropes with a metal spike on the end called "Stringers" when we caught a fish we wanted to keep we would put in on the stringer, the practical use for a stringer was to tie it to a limb near the water and let the fish swim around and pick them up later, but since we were usually at LEAST knee deep in water we just tied it off to our belt loops, and drug the fish along with us.. well one day me and my friend rick were tooling along and had caught a few keepers and had 2 or 3 fish on our stringer each. We were about halfway up the creek to the dam from the Highway 59 bridge. bout 2.5 miles up the creek, we were in water that was about chest high. We were standing there working a tree that I had cut down and tossed into the water a week before, we were using jigs which requires much patence and skill or you will miss the strike.
After a few miniutes i see rick kinda stumble backwards like he lost balence, i asked what he was doing and he said "fish acting up" a few seconds later i saw him REALLY pop backwards and he said "KNOCK IT OFF" I said "whasent me!" then At the same time we both looked back and we saw a boil about 6 ft in diamater. We both were instantly frozen..then he started getting pulled again, very slowly (like an idiot) he began to pull in his 10 ft stringer in to see what the deal was, as it got closer it looked like there was a big wad of moss or something hung on the stringer, this was commin because the fish ofter swam into weeds and crap, but as it go closer the "weed" suddenly cam off and swam between us. It was the biggest Gar I have EVER seen! (and ive seen alot) it had to be at least 7ft long! There are 2 different speces of gar in south Texas "Longnose" and "Alligator" gar, the longnose is not known to grow much past 4 ft but a few 6 footers have been caught, alligator gar get MUCH bigger, the exact limit to the size in not fully known so this was for sure an alligator gar, In case you've never seen one here are a few pics.
Its hard to see in these pictures but they have needle like teeth that can be up to 2 inches long
Needless to say me and my buddy pooled some money and bought a frigging boat! about a month later I was catfishing and caught one that was about 5 ft long and around 100 pounds, as we sat there looking at it in the water waiting for it to tire rick said "The Fish coulda put that thing in its mouth" (We came to call the giant we saw "THE FISH")
To this day every time i get into the water in coleto I still keep an eye out for THE FISH.
[This message has been edited by TheWobble (edited 02-10-2001).]