Author Topic: Timothy McVeigh, He plumps when ya cook him.  (Read 783 times)

Offline miko2d

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Timothy McVeigh, He plumps when ya cook him.
« Reply #15 on: February 12, 2001, 01:01:00 PM »
 What is wrong with retribution? As long as it is not expensive. Why would I want to pay for jailing, feeding and guarding someone for life? It may be worse then death but I would rather let them off "easy". Better yet, I would let them volunteer for medical research in return for some consideration.

 If Rip wants to establish a private charitable foundation that would collect money in order to torture criminals instead of killing them, that is his money...


Offline SOB

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Timothy McVeigh, He plumps when ya cook him.
« Reply #16 on: February 12, 2001, 01:11:00 PM »
Whatever, shoot him, bury him, be done with him.  No reason to continue paying money to keep him around, and since he's proved himself (overwhelmingly so) to be unworthy of living with the rest of us in society, that's his alternative.  Good riddence.

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Offline Ripsnort

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Timothy McVeigh, He plumps when ya cook him.
« Reply #17 on: February 12, 2001, 01:23:00 PM »
Originally posted by miko2d:

 If Rip wants to establish a private charitable foundation that would collect money in order to torture criminals instead of killing them, that is his money...


My suggestion was isolation, no TV, sink and toilet, 6X6 foot area.....I can think of worse tortures, such as an evening with my mother-in-law.  

Edit: that should read, "Isolation, no tv, with only a sink and toilet in a 6x6 area"...I wouldn't want someone to live his life in excrement.

[This message has been edited by Ripsnort (edited 02-12-2001).]


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Timothy McVeigh, He plumps when ya cook him.
« Reply #18 on: February 12, 2001, 01:27:00 PM »
I would agree with Ripsnort if that was how it worked, but unfortunatly it is not. They get cable TV, all the books they could ask for, college educations ( like that will help them on death row ) , and 3 meals a day..... not to mention those meals are cooked for them , their laundry is done for them, and all this toejam is paid for by us! And what makes me SICK are all these bleeding hearts out there that would throw a fit if these inmates didn't have all these things. I think if you murder people, you give up your rights as a human. And thats what all the bleedhearts don't understand......... these people had a choice...... either murder someone and face the concequences, or not murder someone, and live a normal life. simple.

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Offline miko2d

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Timothy McVeigh, He plumps when ya cook him.
« Reply #19 on: February 12, 2001, 01:38:00 PM »
Originally posted by Ripsnort:
I wouldn't want someone to live his life in excrement.

 Why would I care, as long as he is proven a murderer beyong a reasonable doubt? I do not mind cruelty, just expense of keeping him alive.

 I actually believe if "an eye for an eye" principle - if a criminal takes upon himself to determine the life of his victims, they, or their kin should have a say in how to dispose of him. I am sure it someone would come up with a creative way...


Offline Fury

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Timothy McVeigh, He plumps when ya cook him.
« Reply #20 on: February 12, 2001, 02:10:00 PM »

Offline mrfish

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Timothy McVeigh, He plumps when ya cook him.
« Reply #21 on: February 12, 2001, 05:14:00 PM »
i especially hate timothy mcveigh - he blew up that building in the town i was born in and on my damn birthday! i spent most of the time tracking down my relatives to make sure everyone was ok - they were all fine but that day sucked none the less - especially for those families who weren't so lucky-

nevertheless - no need to be primitive, lets just make him stop living.

its kinda like a dog ya put down after they bite someone. it isnt about right or wrong he just has no place in a society filled with people who dont want to be bitten (or killed ) i was emotional about it at first but it is just a housekeeping issue now - and after we are done with him how about the rest on death row!

Offline Jigster

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Timothy McVeigh, He plumps when ya cook him.
« Reply #22 on: February 12, 2001, 05:35:00 PM »
I like to think of the death penalty as a humane method of neutering.


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Timothy McVeigh, He plumps when ya cook him.
« Reply #23 on: February 12, 2001, 05:48:00 PM »
"I like to think of the death penalty as a humane method of neutering."

Darwin's way of neutering in the gene pool!  


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Timothy McVeigh, He plumps when ya cook him.
« Reply #24 on: February 12, 2001, 06:49:00 PM »
its a mans life you dint make it you dont have the right to take it. and thos who advocate torture i hope will someday experience it.

hes insane what have you gained killin him? does it bring people back ? does it make the 1,000,000 plus guys who could do the same thing less likly or more likely to do it. make a marter i think more likely .let him sit for the rest of his natural life rotting  i think less likely. they even admitt they didnt get all of um hope they dont celibrate his death like they did waco.

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Offline Kieren

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Timothy McVeigh, He plumps when ya cook him.
« Reply #25 on: February 12, 2001, 09:32:00 PM »

Sorry. You yourself have criticized the republicans for having too many prisons, yet you oppose the death sentence. McVeigh didn't "make a mistake". He isn't crazy. It was a calculated move.

I don't know if he is damned to hell, that is God's decision. I do know that society does have to send a message to people like him- that is, if you commit heinous crimes against society you will die a swift, ignonomous death. Don't make anything special out of it, just pull the lever.

Then again, with all that money you think we should be taking from the successful we can afford to keep incorrigible criminals like McVeigh alive and in comfort for the rest of their natural lives- only about 50 years or so in this case.

A big hug isn't going to cure people like McVeigh. His act demands a response that sends a message to like-minded criminals- that is unless you want terrorist bombings to become commonplace in American cities?

Not that I would wish it upon you, Towd, but I wonder how you would feel if it was your daughter carried out of the rubble (she died later, you know). I know I would want blood.