Author Topic: which ord is selected? 2 suggestions for same problem  (Read 448 times)

Offline Krusty

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which ord is selected? 2 suggestions for same problem
« on: June 12, 2006, 02:43:58 PM »
In some aircraft you can have multiples of the same type of bomb but they are separated.

When selecting it is hard to figure out which bomb load is selected. For example the A20G carries 2 sets of 4x 500lb bombs, only 1 set is internal and the other external. It can be annoying to line up a perfect drop, only to get the message "Bomb Bay Doors are closed".

Some planes like the P47 can carry 3x 500lbs. If you drop one of your wing mounted, it can be hard to figure out which "set" you're dropping next (and dropping that second wing mounted one would be ideal, to even out the plane's lift).

So I would like one of two things...

1) Currently a short string of numbers shows up for the bomb. Take the bomb's weight and that's what shows up in the secondary weapons display. The display is longer than is commonly used. I would like to suggest a suffix or prefix be used on all non-internal ord. Say you are in a P47 with rockets, wing bombs, and center bomb. I don't know the real order so I'll make it up. You start with MG/MG. Secondary select then would bring up MG/aRKT or MG/RKTa. Another secondary select would bring MG/b500 or MG/500b. Another would bring MG/c500 or MG/500c. The a, b, c, would correspond to first, second, third ord loaded. Something to denote which ord you have selected so that one planes with multiples of the same ord, you can tell the difference.

2) This one might not float so well with some folks. If you have a plane that has multiples of the same, put them all in the same slot. Instead of an IL2 having 2x 100kg and 4x100kg, simply have one option with 6x100kg listed, and you have to open the doors to drop the last 4 (but it's still the same slot, you hit secondary select and you just get 300 cannon rounds or 6 bombs, nothing else). For aircraft with centerline and wing mounted bombs (p47 for example) the wings drop first. For aircraft with internal/external, the external drop first. This way if you have a P47 with 3x DT of the same size, you can drop 2 and keep the center for a bit longer without ruining your flight characteristics, and you can drop the wing bombs on an A20G first then the internal ones. You can drop the externals on an IL2 first then the internals. Like I said this might not float well with some. They might like having their ord on a p47 separated.

Note that for this post, the P47 with 2x1k wing bombs and 1x500lb centerline wouldn't run into this problem, but if you take 2x500lb wing bombs and a centerline you do.

*DISCLAIMER* This is totally separate from my ".salvo all" request or some other option to drop mixed ord types all at once. I still support that request as well.

Offline ridley1

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which ord is selected? 2 suggestions for same problem
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2006, 03:09:47 PM »
Good point....The mossie is like that.  500's on the wing and in the bay.

designate them in the display as 50I for internal, and 50E for external.

you could also use the  'I'  designation for centre mount....'E' for wings.

Offline Krusty

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which ord is selected? 2 suggestions for same problem
« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2006, 08:47:09 PM »
Also a good suggestion!! That's probably a bit more user-friendly than my a-b-c idea.

Offline zorstorer

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which ord is selected? 2 suggestions for same problem
« Reply #3 on: June 14, 2006, 06:24:20 PM »
Plus this would help out with rockets.  Hate diving on a tank and not knowing which wing will fire :(

Offline Krusty

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which ord is selected? 2 suggestions for same problem
« Reply #4 on: June 15, 2006, 11:06:22 AM »
It wouldn't apply to rockets. Rockets are all one bank. The order they fire in is another matter. This was more for the same ord in different banks -- either distinguishing them or combining them. Rockets would still simply list as "RKT". Now, getting them to all fire left-right-left-right is another request :p

Offline zorstorer

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which ord is selected? 2 suggestions for same problem
« Reply #5 on: June 15, 2006, 06:22:23 PM »
LOL true, I was reading the other thread also.  Maybe I got messed up ;)

Maybe just a little tick on the part that says "RKT"  almost like the quotes and it is on the side that will fire....just a thought ;)