Author Topic: Allies vs Axis Arena: some reflexions  (Read 2667 times)

Offline Kev367th

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Allies vs Axis Arena: some reflexions
« Reply #75 on: June 19, 2006, 11:20:03 PM »

First unit to operate a Spitfire within RAF SEAC (CBI) was 607 Co. of Durham.
They recieved the Spit Vc Sept 1943.

Vc was very capable aircraft, to the point that hardly ANY scenarios ever used it, its the one that was used in the first frame of the Malta scenario.
In AH1 and 2 prior to the remodel it was the major Spit in the MA.

Other aircraft used by SEAC (not complete) -
Hurricane IIc -
B24 Liberator II and IV - Earlier than Jan 44
Thunderbolt II - 1945
Mosquito - Nov 43
Spit XIV - July 45
Spit Vc - Sep 43
Spit VIII - Late 43
Seafire LIIc and LIII (FAA)

One of the other threads actually lists the service dates of SEAC aircraft, I'll see if I can find it.

As you can see by late 43 they started to recieve the 'good' stuff. In fact the Spit VIII was almost exclusively used in SEAC.

Hope this helps a little.

[edit] found it, it was one Mrfork started, thorough but by no means complete. I think the only one I disagreed with was 12/44 for the D9.
« Last Edit: June 19, 2006, 11:40:43 PM by Kev367th »
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Offline Guppy35

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Allies vs Axis Arena: some reflexions
« Reply #76 on: June 20, 2006, 12:07:03 PM »
Originally posted by Oldman731
Heh.  This was pretty funny, I think Kev probably didn't recognize that it was just a one-day thing.

If I can pull any sense out of the criticisms here, it seems to me that there is some concern that those who fly LW rides get favored treatment.  Certainly the staff is not trying to favor anyone.  Flying G6s and A8s against P-51s, Spitfires and P-38s is a challenge - try it, you'll see.  I'm more inclined to think that Shifty has a point, which is that anyone who regularly flies a particular plane type will get pretty good at it.  Isn't this unavoidable?  If someone is willing to bite the bullet and get good at flying the G6, for example, should we enable Tempests on the Allied side to compensate for his increased skill?

This isn't a rhetorical question.  I've heard the gripes, now I'd like to hear the proffered solutions.

- oldman

Haven't stopped by in a while, but figured I'd throw in my two cents.

The key to it all is to remember that the historically minded AH flyers are a small group.  Those who want to 'win', score points, earn perks and fly the latest and greatest uber ride are many.   The fear of losing a fight supersedes any other interest.  Why would they learn to fly a P40 for example, when you can go light speed in an LA7 and have all those cannons besides.  It's about winning, not experiencing the other aspects of the game.  The need to feed the AH ego is the overpowering factor.

I don't know that you can change that.

So you are left with that small group that doesn't mind dying, or taking a ride that doesn't do everything better then the other guys that will populate the AvA, and even then the arguments fly as one side or the other has to fly the rides that aren't 'better' then the other.
8th FS "Headhunters

Offline Guppy35

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Allies vs Axis Arena: some reflexions
« Reply #77 on: June 20, 2006, 12:16:28 PM »
Oh, and just for fun.  My ideal set up:

RAF v Luftwaffe late 1942-1943  Cross Channel

Spit V
Spit FIX
Spit LFVIII (stand in for the LFIX)

190A8 (yeah I know it's a late 43 bird but like the VIII for the LFIX it fits)

Seems like it gives the best opportunity for evenly matched fights without the opportunity to scream one side or the other has the better planes.

It was essentially a period of stalemate during the war with no one having a the edge other then the numbers  that were growing in the Allies favor.
8th FS "Headhunters

Offline Knite

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Allies vs Axis Arena: some reflexions
« Reply #78 on: June 20, 2006, 02:07:26 PM »
I've flown in the AvA a couple times. It's not bad, but a large reason I don't spend much time there is not many other people there either. I really do like the idea of flying more historic matchups though.

I know some of these ideas may be kinda "strange", but just bear with me... I'm NOT saying change the AvA wholesale. These are just ideas. Pick and choose as you like or do not. Again, please do not take this as me asking for a million changes.

#1. First server option in the list of servers.
I know this isn't possible, but did anyone stop to think the MA is so full is because it simply is the first item on the list of choices? Think of it like Internet Explorer 3.0 vs. Netscape 3.0. Internet Explorer was included in Windows for free and worked good enough, so who even looked anywhere else? I'd think that just chaning the order to be 1st on the list, while it wouldn't fix the issue, might get a little more "flow" to the arena.

#2. Adjusting Rolling Plane Set (ARPS).  
As of right now, the RPS basically states from Day A to Day B, planes A, B, and C are available, X, Y, and Z are available. From B to C, Planes B, C, Y, Z are available and D and W are available at back bases. Instead of doing that, how about keeping A and X as options, or not. Doesn't matter. And enable D and W at ALL bases, but with Perks. The next time period, remove the perks from D and W, and add perks to E and V. This allows you to keep the exclusivity of those limited models, without relegating them to WHERE they can deploy. Meaning these expensive planes can be caught in any manner of fight at any altitude, instead of the higher alts because of the long climb from back bases.

#3. Change the way Radar towers are layed out and active.
This may also be a not possible one, but why is every Radar tower in the center of a field? It wasn't all THAT unusual for a Radar Tower to not be near a base, but instead, closer to the front lines for earlier warning of invasion. Add Radar Towers that are not associated to bases, in "wall" style formations. You could then "pierce" the radar "wall" to do attacks deep into enemy territory without pinpoint notification of where you are, but also there's earlier warning of where an attack will be until those towers are taken down.

#4. Make "Large" airbases capturable, and small/medium ones not. In other words, only like 3-8 Airbases max per side capturable.
This would give a "target" or "goal" for people. A focal point. Combined with the above, it may make it interesting to see a chain of Radar towers go down in a line towards one of the few capturable bases.  You can possibly get the "game winners" to play in AvA then, and having that line of radar towers, there'd be more warning as to where they'd strike, since you'd know the direction, and know which one of very few targets they could be going for. More warning = more possibility of setting a counter strike. Counter strikes means more bomber escort needed. More escort = more dogfighting. etc. etc. The fact of there being so few capturable airbases means that if one DOES get captured, it would basically be surrounded by enemy bases, meaning for frantic defense against the surrounding and inevitable attack.

#5. Less Strats. More effect. Put them in towns, like Karelia's cities.
Karelia is freaking gorgeous. But instead of just little factories with no purpose down there. Put the strats behind the airfields, and they can still do fuel, troops, ord, etc. But now that the airfields are slightly farther away, and some airfields can be captured, fuel can be more important. bombs are needed for the pesky radar towers, and troops to get a foothold in one of the limited areas.

Who knows. Maybe some crazy ideas. But that's all they are is ideas.
« Last Edit: June 20, 2006, 02:14:08 PM by Knite »

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Offline TheBug

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Allies vs Axis Arena: some reflexions
« Reply #79 on: June 20, 2006, 04:59:27 PM »
Originally posted by Knite
#2. Adjusting Rolling Plane Set (ARPS).  
As of right now, the RPS basically states from Day A to Day B, planes A, B, and C are available, X, Y, and Z are available. From B to C, Planes B, C, Y, Z are available and D and W are available at back bases. Instead of doing that, how about keeping A and X as options, or not. Doesn't matter. And enable D and W at ALL bases, but with Perks. The next time period, remove the perks from D and W, and add perks to E and V. This allows you to keep the exclusivity of those limited models, without relegating them to WHERE they can deploy. Meaning these expensive planes can be caught in any manner of fight at any altitude, instead of the higher alts because of the long climb from back bases.

I have thought about using perks with the RPS as kind of a rarity factor to limit a planes usage even though it's available for service.  I have mixed feelings on it though and could probably argue each case equally.  I'd be interested in hearing other people's opinions on perks used with a RPS.  Also any input by the staff on the feasabilty of using perks with a RPS would be appreciated.
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Offline sparow

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Allies vs Axis Arena: some reflexions
« Reply #80 on: June 20, 2006, 05:35:48 PM »
Hi Bug,

This is a very personal opinion...I agree with perks for some models in a RPS just because there are models that were built in very small numbers and saw very limited use. These are historical/industrial facts. To limit availability in an RPS is only replicate what happened in RL: best squadrons had the latest machines, in small batches and often to use in very limited actions.

That's my opinion.


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Offline Kev367th

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Allies vs Axis Arena: some reflexions
« Reply #81 on: June 21, 2006, 12:34:34 AM »
Originally posted by Kev367th

First unit to operate a Spitfire within RAF SEAC (CBI) was 607 Co. of Durham.
They recieved the Spit Vc Sept 1943.

Vc was very capable aircraft, to the point that hardly ANY scenarios ever used it, its the one that was used in the first frame of the Malta scenario.
In AH1 and 2 prior to the remodel it was the major Spit in the MA.

Other aircraft used by SEAC (not complete) -
Hurricane IIc -
B24 Liberator II and IV - Earlier than Jan 44
Thunderbolt II - 1945
Mosquito - Nov 43
Spit XIV - July 45
Spit Vc - Sep 43
Spit VIII - Late 43
Seafire LIIc and LIII (FAA)

One of the other threads actually lists the service dates of SEAC aircraft, I'll see if I can find it.

As you can see by late 43 they started to recieve the 'good' stuff. In fact the Spit VIII was almost exclusively used in SEAC.

Hope this helps a little.

[edit] found it, it was one Mrfork started, thorough but by no means complete. I think the only one I disagreed with was 12/44 for the D9.

As a follow on the Spit VIII's -
By Jan 44 there were 2 sqns with Vc's, 4 with Spit VIII's
By March 44 the  V's were replaced, and more sqns equipped with VIII up to a total of 7 sqdns all with the VIII.
So quite a fast introduction from the initial sqn to get the first VIII's late 43.
« Last Edit: June 21, 2006, 12:36:56 AM by Kev367th »
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Offline Panzzer

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Allies vs Axis Arena: some reflexions
« Reply #82 on: June 21, 2006, 04:42:23 AM »
Originally posted by TheBug
Also any input by the staff on the feasabilty of using perks with a RPS would be appreciated.
Setting perk prices for the planes would require someone from HTC to do it. And if those would have to be adjusted almost every day... That's why the rear fields are being used for limiting a plane's availability.
Panzzer - Lentorykmentti 3

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Allies vs Axis Arena: some reflexions
« Reply #83 on: June 21, 2006, 06:27:45 AM »
Thanks for that info Panzzer, that pretty much rules out perks in a RPS.
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Offline E25280

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Allies vs Axis Arena: some reflexions
« Reply #84 on: June 21, 2006, 08:58:12 PM »
Originally posted by Kev367th
As a follow on the Spit VIII's -
By Jan 44 there were 2 sqns with Vc's, 4 with Spit VIII's
By March 44 the  V's were replaced, and more sqns equipped with VIII up to a total of 7 sqdns all with the VIII.
So quite a fast introduction from the initial sqn to get the first VIII's late 43.
Thanks.  I guess as far as air power is concerned, the Brits were on top of things . . . :aok
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Offline Kev367th

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Allies vs Axis Arena: some reflexions
« Reply #85 on: June 21, 2006, 09:31:24 PM »
Originally posted by E25280
Thanks.  I guess as far as air power is concerned, the Brits were on top of things . . . :aok

I think in all honesty that the plane itself decided on where it was needed.

Remember the IX was only supposed to be a temporary solution until the VIII was ready.
The extra range of the VIII made it more suitable to the Far East than the IX, hence almost all RAF VIII's went to SEAC.
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