Author Topic: funny military storys  (Read 200 times)


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funny military storys
« on: February 14, 2001, 12:45:00 AM »
jsut though i would share a snafu that happend on my ship ( u.s.s. virginia ) befor my arrival on her and see if anyon had any like it still maks me laugh . and several guys on the ship swore it really happend. seems that in the old days several years befor i was there the military ordering system was not compeditive i.e. you wanted somthing you looked up the number and ordered it . then reguardless of price they sent you one . well they ordered i believe several nice foul weather jackets or some such and they didnt arriver for some time . one day in port a marine officer showed up and tried to get the officer of the deck to sign for a delivery . on inspection it turned out to be a (F-14) well the virginia is a (cgn) nuke cruiser and as much as we loved fighing we just couldent use one . suposedly the marines just didnt want to take no for a answer and we actualy had the thing over night ,got to love that one. the captain actualy went and sat in it was pissed we couldent keep it.