VOR, I don't understand what you're getting at, exactly.
For us to understand,much less accept these actions, even from a group of seemingly functional, successfull people, would be the same as them understanding and accepting our open obsessions with scantily clad large-breasted women, the consumption of pork products and our failure to pray to Mecca five times daily.
In fact, the only reason there is any confusion at all is because these people have demonstrated some ability to function, and function well, within the parameters of western society. You can work with them, hell, even work for them, and thus, there is overlap in our values. Leave the workplace, and we stray in one direction, and they in the other, and there is as much hope of mutual understanding in matters such as these as there would be between you and a fish living at the bottom of an oceanic trench.
What they did, to them, seems as normal and justified as my going out and getting Egg McMuffins yesterday. Indeed, to them, your response to their actions may seem as rediculous as their actions seem to you.