Author Topic: You want to know why people fly P51's?  (Read 4999 times)

Offline Pawz

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You want to know why people fly P51's?
« Reply #45 on: July 01, 2006, 08:07:04 PM »
LOL thats so funny when me and jdcoke clowned you in da. Funny I used to get pissed of about something like this and try to defend myself. Yeah right over a cartoon game LOL

I have more important things in life to worry about like 3 homes and closing on two more:aok . Oh a new harley hmmm a couple of new cars lets see a tour bus worth 1 million dollars:cool: .

Dude get a life you got pawned and yeah your okay but your just like doom a childish adult that needs a life.

Oh yeah 3/10 not original at all.
When I die bury me in a P38.

I watch day after day, week after week, tour after tour, the Bishops and Rooks take bases and win maps while the Knights stand there with their thumbs stuck in their butts. It's just pathetic!

Offline E25280

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You want to know why people fly P51's?
« Reply #46 on: July 01, 2006, 08:19:13 PM »
The INterestINg thINg I fINd here is that my take on the whINe is for beINg called out for HOINg, not that he got shot down.

The rest of you must be readINg somethINg else.

"Beware my HOINg Hurri"

Brauno in a past life, followed by LTARget
SWtarget in current incarnation
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"Proudly drawing fire so that my brothers may pass unharmed."

Offline E25280

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You want to know why people fly P51's?
« Reply #47 on: July 01, 2006, 08:21:53 PM »
OMG, did I just post that? ? ? ? :huh

I believe I have been BK-er-ized?? ? ? :(

I better call my therapist.:o
Brauno in a past life, followed by LTARget
SWtarget in current incarnation
Captain and Communications Officer~125th Spartans

"Proudly drawing fire so that my brothers may pass unharmed."

Offline Reynolds

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You want to know why people fly P51's?
« Reply #48 on: July 01, 2006, 08:48:28 PM »
Originally posted by Squire
You can add the Dora, LA-7, Typhoon, 109K-4 and a few others that do exactly the same thing, sure as hell isnt just the P-51 crowd.

Hey, lets not involve the 109s in this! We climb to get you and then get burned down! We dont run and get burned up later! lol! But yeah, dont blame the plane. I HATE fighting agains spitts, P-51s, La-5s, La-7s, F4Us, F6Fs, P-47s, C.202s, C.205s, and well, pretty much every plane in the game. But i dont blame the plane! I hate fighting them not because they cheat, or are dishonerable, but because I SUCK!!! I understand your frustration, but lets not balme everyone for our short-comings. A long time ago, i made that mistake on a different game, and i lost a lot of friends, and i sure regretted it. So, if you just say you posted this in anger, and you were not thinking, im sure we will all be willing to forget about it. But lets stop this fight. If you have a problem with one person, flame the **** out of them in PMs, but dont take it to the boards. So, loosen up, shoot straight, fly high, and just relax, and neuter the b@stard! :aok

Offline doobs

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You want to know why people fly P51's?
« Reply #49 on: July 01, 2006, 09:03:13 PM »
lewts end this now,,,,,,,,,,,,,,we all suk
R.I.P JG44
(founding XO)

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Offline Widewing

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You want to know why people fly P51's?
« Reply #50 on: July 01, 2006, 09:27:54 PM »
You know, it always bugs me when a guy flies his fighter as its designer intended and gets flamed for it.

Since the drag model was revised, the P-51s took a big hit in flaps out turning. I've tested both types extensively both online and offline. Therefore, let me share a few facts as pertains to the current Mustangs and their ability to maneuver at low speed and some advice for new pilots (and some vets as well).

1) Stall fighting... don't do it in a P-51. Even if it's against a poor turning fighter, it will leave you vulnerable in a plane that's big on speed, but small on acceleration. If your SA is such that you feel secure, fine. However, if enemy fighters are within icon range, you're asking for trouble.

2) Using more than 2 notches of flaps is pointless. Beyond 2 notches, its turn radius barely decreases, but the turn rate drops significantly. The more flaps you drop, the lower the the turn rate, and for dang little in reduced radius.

3) If you intend to reverse, before you merge, drop the first notch of flaps. This will significantly tighten the reverse right from the get-go.

4) Don't immediately reverse when merging with slower, better turning fighters. Extend a bit (about 2k, not 1/2 sector), then reverse while converting your E to altitude.

5) Learn when it's time to bug out. A good P-51 driver will maneuver with the enemy until he sees that he cannot gain or even maintain angles. Clean up the plane, unload and get some lateral separation. Recognize when it's time to get gone.

Ignore channel 200 whines... Better yet, give them a reason to whine. Every time they whine, send 'em a salute. If they challenge you to go to the DA, send another salute. I did this to some huckleberry one evening and I'm pretty sure he pee'd his pants in rage. Besides, anyone feeling genuinely froggy can find me in the TA 3 to 5 nights a week.

P-51s are very capable, but that capability resides largely in their speed and high-speed handling. Do not surrender advantages, practice building good E management skills. Make the other guy fight against your strengths, while avoiding his. Basically, common sense flying with decent SA will result in good sorties. Nonetheless, don't live in dread of losing fights as you will learn more from defeats than from victories. Defeats teach you, but easy victories will only build over-confidence, and that will come back to haunt you later.

Finally, know what your plane's limits and capabilities are. Know what the enemy's plane can do and not do. This is critical to success, regardless of what you fly.

Here's an example: Last evening after an hour in the MA, I went to the TA. Later in the evening, baitbug logged in and we were able to duel for a while. I flew a Bf 109G-2, he an La-7. After the merge, the fight devolved into a low altitude turning contest. Flaps fully out, the G-2 is pretty capable. However, it does not turn right as well as left. On the other hand, I knew that the La-7 turns better right and not so well to the left. Therefore, I refused to get sucked into fighting against the La-7's strength, and stuck to what I knew would work. baitbug eventually reversed into a right turn, hoping I would follow. I wouldn't. His reverse gave me the advantage and the La-7 could not overcome that advantage. These are very evenly matched fighters, and to be successful, each pilot needs to fly to the strengths of their respective fighters.

My new friend baitbug is very, very good in the La-7. Against his La-7, on the deck, the best I could manage with a Spit14 was a draw, and that only lasted until I ran out of WEP (the Spit14 has a faster turn rate, offset by the La-7's tighter turn radius). In contrast, the G-2 is somewhat easier to fly at the limit than the La-7 is.

So, understand that knowledge can be a weapon, providing you an advantage over a less prepared enemy (BTW, baitbug was very well prepared, and we discussed why I would not try to follow when he reversed his turn, we both were trying to get the other guy to fight against each other's strengths).

My regards,

« Last Edit: July 01, 2006, 10:57:51 PM by Widewing »
My regards,


YGBSM. Retired Member of Aces High Trainer Corps, Past President of the DFC, retired from flying as Tredlite.

Offline Max

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Re: You want to know why people fly P51's?
« Reply #51 on: July 01, 2006, 09:47:08 PM »
Because they can?
« Last Edit: July 01, 2006, 09:49:16 PM by Max »

Offline Frodo

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You want to know why people fly P51's?
« Reply #52 on: July 01, 2006, 09:47:30 PM »
The words below are the best chunk of info. in this thread. But 75 % of the people who play this game won't take the time.

"Finally, know what your plane's limits and capabilities are. Know what the enemy's plane can do and not do. This is critical to success, regardless of what you fly."




Offline Delirium

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You want to know why people fly P51's?
« Reply #53 on: July 01, 2006, 09:49:37 PM »
If you are that serious about a game, you need to take an AH vacation...

Planes are free and so are lives online...
80th "Headhunters"
Retired AH Trainer (but still teach the P38 selectively)

I found an air leak in my inflatable sheep and plugged the hole! Honest!

Offline Hajo

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You want to know why people fly P51's?
« Reply #54 on: July 01, 2006, 09:54:07 PM »
Widewing I couldn't agree more.  Fighting you and your aircrafts strentgh are only sensilble.  After all a vet will try to get his opponent to fight to his advantage and aircrafts strengths.

Case in a squaddie and I were winging, he in a K14 that he flies very rarely and me in my usual P47D11.  We were attacked by a well flown 109f-4 that had very good altitude advantage.  Probably at least 5 K...The 109F came down with good speed, and Yo-Yo'd back up   a good tactic at that point.  My squaddie in the K14 tried to follow him up but without the speed the 109F came back down easily and finished him rather quickly.  In the meantime I'm trying to grab a little air to at least get coalt with the 109F (approx 16K by now.)  Now I was coalt but at low speed in the nose heavy P47D11.  In no circumstance could I equal the vertical capabilities of that faster 109 F4.  So I extended (now accused of running) and put the nose down using my crafts diving speed over the 109F4s advantage.

It appeared to me that he had to cut throttle to prevent compression and went back up.  I did to but at a higher speed and ended up higher then the 109F4 who at this time was engaged with another enemy who he dispensed very quickly.....he flew the 109F well.  In the meantime I had alt and speed and forced the 109 into my fight and downed him.

Over 200 I got the usual  you didn't want to fight etc. etc. etc.  I just stated that I used what I had....and that was I knew I couldn't fight in the vertical with decided not to.  I only asked my machine to do what it could, didn't ask it to do something it couldn't, and placed myself in a postion to win.  I still got insulted.  Life in the Aces High MA.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2006, 09:59:38 PM by Hajo »
- The Flying Circus -

Offline Messiah

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Re: You want to know why people fly P51's?
« Reply #55 on: July 01, 2006, 10:12:26 PM »
Originally posted by Revor
But there's nothing more that I love than proving people wrong.

You also apparently like making yourself look like an idiot.
Messiah(The O.G.)
The Blue Knights

Offline Arcades057

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You want to know why people fly P51's?
« Reply #56 on: July 01, 2006, 10:16:30 PM »

:D   But I will say from what I read it's an amazINg development...

Offline Messiah

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You want to know why people fly P51's?
« Reply #57 on: July 01, 2006, 10:19:35 PM »
lol @ above
Messiah(The O.G.)
The Blue Knights

Offline Spatula

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You want to know why people fly P51's?
« Reply #58 on: July 01, 2006, 11:47:25 PM »
LOL, I love it when people complain that people fly their planes to their strengths and they expected them to flight their way. This goes both ways...

"Wah, wah, wah, you didnt fly the way i wanted you to" well no ***** sherlock, anyone who knows a shred of anything wont fly to their opponents strengths. How about you learn how to deal with unexpected situations? doesnt that make you a better pilot? learn to cope or trap them while affording them the illusion that they have control of the situation when they dont.

I fly the mustand cause its a plane which has options and is a capable high-speed fighter.  Keeping the fight fast and turning aggressively (hard) can pay off big time provided you dont get into a stall fight - eg know when to press the attack (and do it with all you have), and when to cut your losses.
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Offline StarOfAfrica2

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You want to know why people fly P51's?
« Reply #59 on: July 02, 2006, 12:17:20 AM »
Thats it.  I'm flying P-51s for awhile.  

As for this crap about SkatSr, well thats just what it is.  CRAP.  He is probably one of the best there is in a Pony, even when its low and slow.  That doesnt mean he can turn it into a Spitfire, but he definitely knows how to wring every last bit of performance out of his ride.  Not only that, he has a great attitude.  When I lose a fight I'm usually mad at myself for what I did wrong, not mad at the other guy for beating me.  Thats just silly.  But I cant even get mad when I fight SkatSr, I'm usually ready to log off right after so I can go watch the film lol.  He and his whole crew are class acts.