Author Topic: Blonde Knight Frame 2 AAR  (Read 1018 times)

Offline BlkKnit

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Blonde Knight Frame 2 AAR
« Reply #15 on: July 03, 2006, 02:49:43 PM »
Originally posted by ramzey
2 more advices
Communicate with your squadrons and dont send them to land in the middle of event.

thought it a bit strange when allies all started loggin when we had a 20 pilot advantage.  By the time there was 20 minutes left we were outnumbered by 10.

Luckily no major axis attacks came in the last minutes.

Dont be too rough on the lads ramzey.  Might be we could offer up some more constructive advice and help turn all our CiC's into pro's (at which point they will likely burn out and we'll have more new ones lol....but thats life!).

Cant say I studied the allied orders too much, so at this point am unable to add anything in the way of advice.

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Offline ramzey

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Blonde Knight Frame 2 AAR
« Reply #16 on: July 03, 2006, 05:25:12 PM »
I could be nice and polite , but im still angry at guy.

CO of squadron i fly with cannot get any constructive answer from CIC like 20 minutes. Untill he decide to end flight and deliver all our planes safe on airstrip.

I dont like orders cuz:
we were order to take noe to target avoiding contact with enemy, we did that
but same time our brilliant CiC send squadron high flying bombers to same location, they compromise our position and strike our target 10 sec before we engage. So, we end up tossing our bombs on the field. Beucose CiC cannot give us secoundary target to hit.
Imagine frustration of 20 pilots in fully loaded planes.
Looks like we came to FSO just to do scenic route over germany.

We came back and rearm at T+70 and fly around for 20 minutes without any answer form CiC. We could be set for firgter swap, for any secoundary target , whatever.
But we end up making circles around our base when roster show 40+ LW being somwhere there.

I hope our side destroy all ground targets for this frame, if not CIC is only one person whos responcible for that.

Also, i have to make som sucrifices to be able flying FSO, and i expect something more for me amd my buddies then just make circles and wait for orders wich never come.

end of flaming.

Offline Imoutfishing

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Blonde Knight Frame 2 AAR
« Reply #17 on: July 04, 2006, 03:35:33 AM »
The last bit of advice for a new CiC.  Please do not fly with your squad.

 Stay on the ground and advise the squads where they need to be.  It's not that much to ask.

When I asked where our CiC was tuned so I could talk to him his responce was "my squad channel" or in essence bite me I don't want to hear it.  So with nothing else to do I landed our 18 heavy pony's.

We are all here to have fun.  Being an FSO squad require's you cough up a CiC from time to time.  If your good enough to fly and handle all the traffic good for you I'm not.  If your new to being a CiC take one for the team and stay in the tower.  You could give your squad some buffs and be a gunner at least you'll be in the air.

Take this a face value but it is intended to be friendly advise.  I know the next FSO is going to be a great one... it always works that way.


Offline Imoutfishing

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Blonde Knight Frame 2 AAR
« Reply #18 on: July 04, 2006, 03:51:28 AM »

Ya got to calm down a bit.  We live and learn.  You and I had the exact same problem but we still won the event.  So let's give the CiC some credit.  Constuctive advise is always good.  Crying like a six year old school girl goes over the top.  We know went wrong so let's fix it not cause issues.  

Your a good guy we have flown mission's with each other.  I'll bet ya the next time he is the CiC we do not have the same problems.  I think our point has been made.


Offline Bannor

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Blonde Knight Frame 2 AAR
« Reply #19 on: July 04, 2006, 07:01:36 PM »
I would like to extend my apologies to the Allied pilots in Frame 2. Sorry for the confusion with orders and communications. This event was handed down to us due to upper management issues. I make no excuses and we should have done better. As for the CiC remaining on the ground, well that would heve been easier, but the scenario had it set up for the Frame commanders to fly in a designated role. You have my word that when the time comes, and FATE is called apon to do this again, we will up to the task.

Destiny brought you here, now FATE will deal with your six!

Damn, we're in a tight spot!

Offline tedrbr

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Blonde Knight Frame 2 AAR
« Reply #20 on: July 04, 2006, 10:46:32 PM »
Originally posted by Imoutfishing
The last bit of advice for a new CiC.  Please do not fly with your squad.

 Stay on the ground and advise the squads where they need to be.  It's not that much to ask.

When I asked where our CiC was tuned so I could talk to him his responce was "my squad channel" or in essence bite me I don't want to hear it.  So with nothing else to do I landed our 18 heavy pony's.

We are all here to have fun.  Being an FSO squad require's you cough up a CiC from time to time.  If your good enough to fly and handle all the traffic good for you I'm not.  If your new to being a CiC take one for the team and stay in the tower.  You could give your squad some buffs and be a gunner at least you'll be in the air.

Take this a face value but it is intended to be friendly advise.  I know the next FSO is going to be a great one... it always works that way.


I would point out that for THIS particular senerio, the CiC, if by this you mean the Frame CO for a side, had to fly one of the character planes.  But otherwise, I would agree with this observation.  The CiC could alway bounce around as a gunner/observer while conducting his duties, but should not be flying himself, normally.

Offline BlkKnit

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Blonde Knight Frame 2 AAR
« Reply #21 on: July 05, 2006, 06:46:54 AM »

The last bit of advice for a new CiC. Please do not fly with your squad.

I fly when I am CiC, but I think my squad can attaest to the fact that, well, about 20 minutes in I'm usually on the radio asking "where are you guys?"

but then, I do that when I'm not CiC too.......................... ..........:p

Once a Knight is Never Enough

Offline BlkKnit

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Blonde Knight Frame 2 AAR
« Reply #22 on: July 05, 2006, 06:50:37 AM »
Originally posted by ramzey
I could be nice and polite , but im still angry at guy.

CO of squadron i fly with cannot get any constructive answer from CIC like 20 minutes. Untill he decide to end flight and deliver all our planes safe on airstrip.

I dont like orders cuz:
we were order to take noe to target avoiding contact with enemy, we did that
but same time our brilliant CiC send squadron high flying bombers to same location, they compromise our position and strike our target 10 sec before we engage. So, we end up tossing our bombs on the field. Beucose CiC cannot give us secoundary target to hit.
Imagine frustration of 20 pilots in fully loaded planes.
Looks like we came to FSO just to do scenic route over germany.

We came back and rearm at T+70 and fly around for 20 minutes without any answer form CiC. We could be set for firgter swap, for any secoundary target , whatever.
But we end up making circles around our base when roster show 40+ LW being somwhere there.

I hope our side destroy all ground targets for this frame, if not CIC is only one person whos responcible for that.

Also, i have to make som sucrifices to be able flying FSO, and i expect something more for me amd my buddies then just make circles and wait for orders wich never come.

end of flaming.

A lot of things seemed to go poorly for your squad in this frame.

But, I know you, like most of us will be satisfied with this mild rant and carry on.  Seen ya do it before ramzey, and I know you of all people know how things can go wrong in an event.

So, here's hoping thing are better for you next time (as long as you are not flying against us, hehe)

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Offline 96Delta

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Blonde Knight Frame 2 AAR
« Reply #23 on: July 05, 2006, 02:48:27 PM »
Good communications is always critical.

When I was Axis CiC for Frame One I included
a request for squad vox channels in my orders.

Because the orders were sent at the last moment
none of the squads had the opportunity to send
their frequencies to me.

Luckily, I was able to get a handful of VOX channels
during the game.  Being able to reach out and
get SitReps and distribute instructions using VOX
is an immense help to a CiC!  I cannot overstate
how helpful having that information was.

Squads who I dropped in on during the game can
further attest to that. It really helped me capture
and maintain a picture of what people were facing and
what their ongoing  disposition was.
This ability was invaluable.

Although useful, using text is just very cumbersome
and time consuming at times. I prefer to use text to
send orders to all squads at once, like "all available
fighters within range of A35 proceed there and defend
against bomber attack" and so on.  I also depend on
it to receive SitReps and updates from squads as they
execute their orders.

Things quickly get very fluid and complicated during
the game and it becomes a serious effort to try and manage
whats happening in the game as CiC.  Helping make a CiC's
job easier by providing them with the tools they need only
helps a squad in the end.  Helping the CiC's perform their
duties is, at least to my way of thinking, part of a squad
C.O.'s responsibility.

I would even go so far as to argue that participating
squads be required to give CiC's a VOX that they will
be using in the game to facilitate such communication.
The job of CiC is hard guys.  If squads would try to make it
easier on CiC's they would get more out of the event.

To change gears a bit.  Here is something that  I made up
that might be of use to those of you who really like to
tackle the management aspect of being an FSO CiC.
Its just a form that I designed that helps CiC's keep
track of their squadrons, their ongoing strength, the
status of targets and squadron locations.  Feel free to
use it if you like it.  It isn't perfect but what is? ;)

David "96Delta"

The Loose Cannons Alliance will be using
VOX 111
during Friday Squad Operations.

« Last Edit: July 05, 2006, 02:53:05 PM by 96Delta »

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Offline 96Delta

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Blonde Knight Frame 2 AAR
« Reply #24 on: July 05, 2006, 09:02:58 PM »

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