Good communications is always critical.
When I was Axis CiC for Frame One I included
a request for squad vox channels in my orders.
Because the orders were sent at the last moment
none of the squads had the opportunity to send
their frequencies to me.
Luckily, I was able to get a handful of VOX channels
during the game. Being able to reach out and
get SitReps and distribute instructions using VOX
is an immense help to a CiC! I cannot overstate
how helpful having that information was.
Squads who I dropped in on during the game can
further attest to that. It really helped me capture
and maintain a picture of what people were facing and
what their ongoing disposition was.
This ability was invaluable.
Although useful, using text is just very cumbersome
and time consuming at times. I prefer to use text to
send orders to all squads at once, like "all available
fighters within range of A35 proceed there and defend
against bomber attack" and so on. I also depend on
it to receive SitReps and updates from squads as they
execute their orders.
Things quickly get very fluid and complicated during
the game and it becomes a serious effort to try and manage
whats happening in the game as CiC. Helping make a CiC's
job easier by providing them with the tools they need only
helps a squad in the end. Helping the CiC's perform their
duties is, at least to my way of thinking, part of a squad
C.O.'s responsibility.
I would even go so far as to argue that participating
squads be required to give CiC's a VOX that they will
be using in the game to facilitate such communication.
The job of CiC is hard guys. If squads would try to make it
easier on CiC's they would get more out of the event.
To change gears a bit. Here is something that I made up
that might be of use to those of you who really like to
tackle the management aspect of being an FSO CiC.
Its just a form that I designed that helps CiC's keep
track of their squadrons, their ongoing strength, the
status of targets and squadron locations. Feel free to
use it if you like it. It isn't perfect but what is?
David "96Delta"
The Loose Cannons Alliance will be using
VOX 111
during Friday Squad Operations.