USMC was on the north side of the map, escorting The Damned's JU88's to the AA Factory. We had 7 262's and 4 Fw190's. Drano decided to go noe to target, so we used the 262's and 190's to scout ahead and help them avoid enemy contacts. The 190's ran into a formation of heavy P47's early. We ditched droptanks and engaged them. They were heavy, and tried to run past us, we downed 4 of them, and let the rest go as we had to return to the escort duties. Having droped our tanks early, the 190's were soon down to 20 minutes of fuel. We decided to keep the 262's out, and refuel the 190's. As the 190's were refueling, the 262's found the enemy over the target. There were P51's and Tempests all over. They did their best to take them away from the target so the bombers could get through, but I believe the bombers were spotted before target.
By the time the 190's were joined back up, the 262's had to go get fuel. They had lost one 262's engine, but otherwise were unhurt. The 190's engaged the pursuing P51's but, without the support of the 262's, they did not fare so well. Mostly running and covering each other it was a long fight but all 4 190s went down. The 262's refueled, and continued the fight, downing a handfull more of enemy planes before landing. We lost 3 262's to enemy action I believe, landed the rest. Everyone had a great time, and Iceman was our top pilot in a 190, scoring 4 kills. Allies, it was a fun frame.