The first patch proof is in. Based on the below, I would recommend some changes. Don't get concerned that it doesn't have the look we want quite yet. Most patches go through some rounds of adjustment to get them right.

Based on this, I would recommend:
1. No "Tokyo" or gold star to denote Tokyo on the landmass that represents Japan. "Tokyo" came out as just a white smear, and the gold star is just a dot at that resolution.
2. Larger aircraft, somewhat repositioned. They are a little small for the outlines to come out as well as folks would probably like. Don't worry about the "butterfly" looking wings on the F4U -- that's just how the artist rendered it so far. If you want to keep the planes the same size, they would still look better after adjusting the wing rendition.
3. I might suggest (not sure about it yet) no thick stitching around the outside of the patch. Without it, the outside will look more crisp. The thicker stitching around the outside isn't all bad, though.
With this in mind, what do people think -- especially 96delta, what do you think?