Originally posted by storch
only because the United States resupplies them with material as it is put out of action. during the yom kippur war we were replacing israeli tanks as quickly as the egyptians could knock them out and in the initial phase of the battle the egyptians took out a significant number of israeli armor. without that timely support israel would have lost despite the gallantry of israeli personnel and it's excellent leadership. isreal depends on the United States to back them up. without our support there would be no israel.
That's not entirely accurate. The IDF could very well be the absolute best at pulling destroyed/damaged tanks off the battlefield, repairing them and sending them back into combat with new crews. Heck, the Israelis pull damaged/destroyed Arab tanks off the battlefield, repair them, regun them and send them back into battle against their former owners.
Due to political pressures I dont believe the US actually sent any military equiptment to Israel while the Yom Kippur war was going on. The Yom Kippur War only lasted about 30 days, most of the Israeli tank losses were in the initial stages of the war. By the end of the war the majority of those tanks had been repaired and sent back into combat.
The Yom Kippur war saw the first use of large quantities of anti-tank missles by infantry. This took the Israeli tank units by surprise, they apparently didnt realize just how many Sagger missles (I think that was the missle) the Egyptians had.