Originally posted by macleod01
thanks. (Takes the hankie and dries his eyes) Really the only reason I try to hit something from 600, is that that seems to be the closest i can get. I just cant get to 200 feet
Well now we know what your problem is, your convergence isn't a big deal, its your Air Combat Manuvering thats messed up ! Getting close is what this game is all about. Hurri is very effective in the MA as a base defence aircraft, but ya got to know how to whip that thing around and get close in for those snap shots.
When fighting....for now... concintrate on getting close. Don't just follow someone around, try to figure "where" the enemy plane is heading, turn ahead of him, and get there first. You have to "lead" your plane in to the fight as much as you have to "lead" with your guns.
TA is a great place for practice, you don't get killed as much

so its much easier on the ego

Practice getting close, then the kills will come! Good luck!