Hi i'm Ledpig and i fly the 38 almost exclusively, here's some pointers. Batfink was pretty much right, go in the advanced settings of your controls and inrease the sensitivity of your rudders, be careful too sensitive and it wil snap you into a spin. Also map controls to set your engines to control them individually too use a little asymetric thrust to right it when this happens, Be careful too much asymetric thrust and it will snap you the other way, be gentle with it. When the spin has subsided go bact to both engines to sync them up. You'll get used to it after a while, the 38 is among the best in a stall fight, you'll be able to stall other people into the ground with it by maneavering when they can't follow you. Also learn to perform a loop from 150 mph most airplanes can't follow a 38 in this, and will either snap out or can't follow you completely.