Please keep this on topic. I've got a few minutes at work and am on the forums. I thought I'd read up on future scenario suggestions, but didn't see a thread.
If there is, my apologies, I didn't notice it.
These are general ideas. The specifics can be hammered out by whomever wishes, in another thread.
There have been a couple of scenarios that feature new terrains, tokyo and karelia specifically, but these are ideas that go off of terrains we already have.
Midway (SBDs and Vals vs CVs, ack reduced to 0.4, much scouting, escort, intercept, attack. Reduce strength of CVs to require 3 good hits to sink)
Battle of Britain (We did one in '04 that re-wrote all the rules. How about one that recreates the event, as it was, with all the rules intact?)
Name TBD (1942 Brits start attacking LW airfields in France to draw out the fighters -- using boston III's for light bomber substitute, using LANCS for small-and-medium-sized raids on STRAT, escorts Hurr2 and spitV vs 109E4,F4, maybe spit9 and 190a5 for last frames)
Other thoughts?