Author Topic: Gloves are off...  (Read 831 times)

Offline Glasses

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Gloves are off...
« Reply #30 on: September 13, 2001, 12:04:00 AM »
Skuzz flatten their whole diddlying way of living to boot I don't care where they are but if it will be a threat to my family they should be all exterminated like the plague from the face of the earth.

Offline Toad

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Gloves are off...
« Reply #31 on: September 13, 2001, 12:37:00 AM »
Originally posted by Jekyll:
[QB]I won't steal someone else's post, but the most powerful response I've read so far can be found in this thread

It was written by Toad (that's WB Toad not AH Toad).

I just want to emphasize that WB Toad and AH Toad are INDEED two different people.

I was AW Toad from the DOS days on. My squaddies, Pain Squad, were "slow adopters" to WB, even though I had advance experience with WB and urged them to switch as soon as it went public. When PS finally switched to WB, my coveted callsign was gone. I took Toed as my WB handle. I did beat him to AH, however, and reclaimed my nom de guerre.

That being said, while his post makes great "feel good" jingoistic reading, I cannot support it.

That isn't the solution; it isn't the nation we hold ourselves to be.

The guilty? Those who would defend/aid the guilty. Most certainly; painfully if possible.

The innocent? Never.

Let us be true to ourselves in this. Let us emerge whole in our beliefs, true to the principles which our Founders relied upon in forming the Nation.

[ 09-13-2001: Message edited by: Toad ]
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen!

Offline Fury

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Gloves are off...
« Reply #32 on: September 13, 2001, 11:38:00 AM »
"We're building a strong coalition to go after these perpetrators, but, more broadly, to go after terrorism wherever we find it in the world," Secretary of State Colin Powell said at a State Department briefing.  

Bush hinted strongly at a military response, talking of the "monumental struggle" between good and evil...

"This battle will take time and resolve," Bush said during a meeting with top security advisers. "But make no mistake about it. We will win."

Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld taped a message to America's troops, and the reference to an upcoming conflict was almost explicit.

"More -- much more -- will be asked of you in the weeks and months ahead. This is especially true of those who are in the field. We face powerful and terrible enemies, enemies we intend to vanquish so that moments of horror like yesterday will be stopped."  

"We are coming after you. God may have mercy on you, but we won't," declared Sen. John McCain, R-Arizona  

Rep. Tom Delay, the majority whip, told CNN: "The architects of this wickedness will find no safe harbor in this world. We will chase our enemies to the furthest corners of this Earth. It must be war without quarter, pursuit without rest, victory without qualification."  

Hours earlier, Gephardt told the House: "This is war. And we will do everything in our power together to make sure that terrorists never, ever again can create this mayhem, this chaos, this violence against our people and our country."  

"Bin Laden is at war with the United States, and it is time that we reciprocated," said Sen. Arlen Specter, R-Pennsylvania, who added: "We have the capacity, we have the capability, the military strength to do what is necessary."  

"The world should know that the members of both parties, in both houses, stand united in this: The full resources of our government will be brought to bear in aiding the search and rescue, and in hunting down those responsible and those who have aided or harbored them," said Senate Majority Leader Daschle.  

Lastly, I hate to quote out of context and without any backing up evidence, but I recall yesterday either former or current government people stating that the United States needs to realize that it's current policy of "no civilian casualties" or collateral damage needs to change.

I have an uneasy feeling about the next several months.

[ 09-13-2001: Message edited by: Fury ]