After reading this post I went offline and did some testing and I can see no reason why night should not be enabled. I left my gamma set at 1 like it always is and had no problems picking out the drones at a distance or a cv sitting just in visual range. Maybe I couldn't pick out the details of the planes/CV as well but hey it's night right? There was still a fairly easy to identify shape of a plane in the distance that would be plenty to shoot at. I even landed on the CV with no problem it was not hard at all to see.
Also I took up a flight of Lancs and was quite pleased with the default night skin it has. anyone looking from above them could see them quite planely but they are next to invisible from the underside. So I would feel fairly safe other than the dot dar or if an NMY was in icon range. I might fly them if night were back in the MA it would make up for the poor guns on them.
Compair that to most of the B-17 skins.... They almost glow in the moon light lol and would be easy targets for fighters.
Oh and also in AH2 it's actually light enough that I could see the bomb sight very well compaired to the black on black of AH1.
Also Night makes having the right goon skin worth toying with, it's much harder to pick out a goon with the british green skin against the trees.
I took a panzer out and had a look. While it was somewhat harder to spot ground targets I don't think it would effect game play that much other than I think that like the lancs and goon, skins would play a more important role and GVing would become a bit more of a cat and mouse game in the dimness.

There were a couple things that were a bit buggy though.... The lights in the cockpit seem a bit bright and make the entire front end of the plane glow. The way they are now you have to have gear up, no auto pilot lights and combat trim turned off to be real stelthy. This really presents a problem when I landed a goon on some farm land. While the skin did a great job of helping me blend in the gear lights made the front of the engins have a shiny green tinge like I had a green signal flair lit under the plane.
Similar situation for the lanc with it's night skin, if I was in auto pilot the front of my lead plane was glowing green and was even worse with the combat trim light on.
Also HiTech I must ask exactally how big is the moon and how low is it in orbit around our AH world??? While examining the lancs if I put them between my view and the moon the moon would block my view of the plane.
It reminds me of a real old b rate movie on tape at my moms house. At one point the actors were on some alien world with twin moons hanging in the sky. One guy fires his laser gun and hits the ground, a large cloud of smoke rises into the air and passes behind the moon.
But over all I say give night another shot in the AH world.