Hi Zellak!
Heres two recent fights from the MA.
The first one is
HMk1 vs HMk2C and what i call a true stallfight. I was using my lighter plane and better turning abilities to slowly work myself onto the tail of my opponent. Not really caring about my Energy state and using plenty of flaps. I could only do that for two reasons: because it was strictly 1 vs 1... had there been another enemy around, id have been a very easy pick. And secondly because the Mk2C doesnt have enough speed and accelleration advantage to be really able to run from me.
The second is an alltogether different style of fight. I was "jumping" 2 lower opponents in a
2 vs 1 fight. The 190s had a very good tactic of timing their attacks and using my weak points (slow speed/accelleration and weak guns) against me. It was only a matter of time untill one of them got me. If they started loosing their advantage theyd extend regaining their E - but never once running, giving me time to recover. They kept me busy all the time. Also, note my SA (Situational Awareness) which was key to my surviving that long and even get a ping or two on those 190s - i at all times in the fight *knew* where either of the 190s was and what they were doing.
I recommend you record your own engagements. Rewatch them and try to pinpoint the moment you gain advantage (or loose it). What went wrong, what couldve been done better, what was a good move.
PS: If you catch me online, feel free to ask me to the DA or TA for a few fights. Or PM me with times youre online and ill try to catch you. (Dont forget to mention time zone
- im on GMT+1)