Author Topic: My Revised Wish List  (Read 1020 times)

Offline Yoshimbo

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My Revised Wish List
« on: August 21, 2006, 01:13:37 PM »
Ki-43 IIIa or IIIb 'Hayabusa' aka Oscar
- i say the III models cuz their faster than the II, also i would (and i'm sure everyone else would) prefer the IIIb model cuz inted of two 12.7mm mgs it has two yankee splashin' 20mm cannons,and yes it can carry bombs & dt's

Ki-45 'Toryu' aka 'Dragon Slayer' aka Nick
- think jaaf 110c4 but more maneuverable, and packin more heat.
i would say either the 'cho' or 'ko' models

ki-44 Shoki aka Toju aka Demon
- i'm thinkin' the II versions cuz they have the better engine, the ki44 also has a 2hr 20min, if we go with the IIc version we would have the armament option for either 2x12.7mmMGs and 2x40mm cannons or just 4x20mm cannons, if we go with the IIa or IIB versions the armament will be 4x12.7mm MGs or we could skipp all those and go srtaight to the IIIc with 4x20mm cannons, not sure about the engine performance of the IIIc though.

G4M Betty bomber
- c'mon....c'mmmooooon .... it's the friggin betty bomber for cryin out loud! must i say anything else? it can carry a big torp or 2.2k lbs o' bombs also it got 4x20mm cannons and 2x7.7mm gats

D4Y Suisei aka "Judy"
- judy judy judy... i see why so many want it now, it is a faster val that carries mor bombs! 1.7k lbs worth, i would say to bring the D4Y2a simply for the fact that the rear gunner has sumthin better than a 7.7mm MG instead he has a 13mm MG much better, so u got 2x7.7mm in front and a 13mm in back, yay!

H8K "Sally"
- a seaplane! sweet! i do not see wut is so hard about launching seaplanes from ports, so we should get this mutha, it's typical armament includes not 4, but 5, count 'em 5 20mm cannons all packed into the nose, did i just hear sumone say HO? o well anyways, it also has 3x7.7mm guns in the beam and ventral positions. also it can carry sum 4.4k lbs of bombs
Type 3 Chi-Nu, gots a 75mm gun, everything else lacks an effective gun, the nxt biggest size i've seen is 57mm not including selfpropelled guns, i'm talkin tanks. and don't tell me bout velocity cuz we all know bout pissant japanese ballistics

- omg we should've been had this, but that's ok, i'm sure we will get it eventually. i'm sure we all know about it, it could carry 4.4k lbs of bombs externally and one thousand pounder internally or just 4.4k lbs of bombs all internal. it had up to seven 7.92 mm MG 15 or MG 81 machine guns, though some of them replaced by 1× 20 mm MG FF cannon (central nose mount) and/or 1× 13 mm MG 131 machine gun (mounted above rear cockpit)

- i find the prototypes this plane quite ugly, but the production Do-17z is much better looking. anyways, it had up to 6x7.92mm MGs though sometimes the lower nose gun was replaced with a 20 mm cannon. and 2.2k lbs worth of bombs.

- now this would be a real treat, i mean a real treat. why? becuz, it can carry bombs AND troops! it is also armed, though not very well. typically it had one 7.9mm machine in dorsal and ventral positions plus 11021b (500kg) bombs. Some armed variants with 13mm dorsal and additional 7.9mm beam guns. don't forget 18 troops!

- ALL OF 'EM we Uboats would be awesome

- give it thhe 15mm MGs! not no stinking 13mm, the 15mm was far more lethal than the .50 cal but shot faster than the 20mm

P-49 Airacobra
- we need the "Iron Dog" bad it would be very good for scenarios and wut not the soviets used it to great success for those of you who do not know here's it's armament: 1x 37 mm T9 cannon firing through the propeller hub
4 x .50 cal (12.7 mm) machine guns
Up to 500 lb (230 kg) of bombs externally

- get the glass nose varient and the 12x.50 cal varient, the 75mm varient might be fun against CVs and GVs. they could also carry sum 6k lbs of bombs. this would be a great medium bomber with multiple uses.


PBY Catalina
- another very good seaplane if we are ever able to take off from ports armament: 3× .30 cal (7.62 mm) machine guns (two in nose turret, one in ventral hatch at tail) 2× .50 cal (12.7 mm) machine guns (one in each waist blister)
4,000 lb (1,814 kg) of bombs or depth charges, hmmm, depth charges, good against the U-boats we need

P-61 'black widow'
4× 20 mm Hispano M2 cannon in ventral fuselage, 200 rounds per gun
4× 0.50 cal (12.7 mm) Browning M2 machine guns in upper turret, 560 rounds per gun
For ground attack, two bombs of up to 1,600 lb (726 kg) each could be carried along with six 5 inch (127 mm) HVAR unguided rockets under the wings. Some aircraft could also carry one 1,000 lb (454 kg) bomb under the fuselage.
very awesome plane to have

-M26 Pershing
-M4A3(76)W HVSS Sherman teh one wit teh 76mm gun, go pow pow!
-M36, it's a killa! 90mm boomitude
-M3A3 Stuart, ehhhh...wth, why not
-M22 Locust, if we ever get gliders, and wut not

-"THE FLY" w00t! it can fit in yer garage!
4× fixed forward-firing 7.62 mm (.30 cal) ShKAS machine guns, a total of 3,100 rounds of ammunition.
6× RS-82 rockets or up to 100 kg (220 lb) of bombs
sum varients had 20mm cannons as well

-faster yak5 from wut i can tell

- russian 4 engine bomber
2x 20 mm ShVAK cannons (dorsal and tail turret)
2x 12.7 mm UBT machine guns (engine nacelles)
1-2x 7.62 mm ShKAS machine guns (nose turret)
Up to 4,000 kg (8,800 lb) of bombs
Could carry one 5,000 kg (11000 lb) bomb QUAH!

-SU100, 100mm boomage, suk on that tiger! QUAH!
-KV85, 85mm gun
-T34-85 1944model, 85mm gun, over 17k were made
-SU122, 122mm howitzer, kiss yer VHs goodbye foo!

-Westland Whirlwind
4x Hispano 20 mm cannon in nose (60 rounds per gun, 240 rounds total)
2x 250 lb (115 kg) or 500 lb (230 kg) bombs

4× Hispano 20 mm cannon (60 rounds per cannon, 240 rounds total) in nose,
In Fighter Command service
4× .303 in (7.7 mm) machine gun (outer starboard wing)
2× .303 in machine gun (outer port wing)
Rockets: 8× RP-3 rockets or
Bombs: 2× 1000 lb bombs
In Costal Command service
1× manually-operated Vickers GO or
1× manually-operated .303 Browning for observer
Bombs: 1× 18 in (457 mm) torpedo
this would be a most awesome plane to have, many differant rolls

-Matilda, i heard this tank wa slow but HEAVILY armored, that it was invulnerable to anything but the 88mm AA gun, and that it had a hi velocity cannon
-Churchill mk IV and mk VII
-Crusader II medium Tank, the 75mm gun varient

See here

S35, prolly the only one worth havin from what i've found, and it still suks, should stick with getting french planes

give the finns their buffalo dang it
« Last Edit: August 21, 2006, 01:38:26 PM by Yoshimbo »

Offline Masherbrum

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« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2006, 01:28:38 PM »
I.A.R. 81c

That's it.
FSO Squad 412th FNVG
Co-Founder of DFC

Offline Yeager

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« Reply #2 on: August 21, 2006, 02:20:50 PM »
You did fine until you dismissed the B29.  Once I saw that I dismissed you.

buh bye
"If someone flips you the bird and you don't know it, does it still count?" - SLIMpkns

Offline captkaos

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« Reply #3 on: August 21, 2006, 04:21:14 PM »
Forgot my favorites;

The Fiat G55 abd the Re2005  Two very fine Italian rides.

Offline Karnak

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« Reply #4 on: August 21, 2006, 05:48:35 PM »
The Bf109K never had 15mm guns in the cowl decking.  There was not nearly enough space.  That particular misconception was started by an author who misread primary documents and was propagated out by other authors that used him as a reference instead of looking at primary documents.
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Offline red26

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« Reply #5 on: August 21, 2006, 05:58:56 PM »
B-29 sucks I now dont want it because it will never get put in the game. There is no reason to begg for it. I would rather have Artillery like a 105 or a 155 howie even a 80mm mortar would be nice or one of the erly MLRS's would be nice Of course a moderon MLRS would be nice too like the 270 MLRS YEA!!! but I would get that about as fast as I would get the B-29 so I am just going to sit back and relax till the HTC team has the time to put new things in the game.

Offline Bogie603rd

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« Reply #6 on: August 21, 2006, 06:25:15 PM »
Yoshimbo, do you have ANY idea how much work it takes to make 1 model of a plane? Just looking at all the skins gives you a glimpse!

Heres a SMALL list:
1. Model design.
2. Graphics (Skins)
3. Physics (Coding to make the plane Move, Stall, Turn, Slide, etc...)
Which, by the way, only works on algorithms. ex:
joint1="250" redirect="stall".
(I know that's not real, but its a way of saying of the air pressure on the wings drops below a certain point, a stall should begin.)
4. Controller Input
5. Internal Component animation (Gauges, controlls, etc...)


Please be considerate!:(
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Offline Yoshimbo

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« Reply #7 on: August 21, 2006, 07:52:09 PM »
to bogie603rd,

yes i realize this, and if i could hlp i would, and I'm not demanding that this all be implemented asap, i am simply sharing that which i would like to see put into the game, these are sum of the things i'd like to see down the line, eventually. except for the Ki43 omg i want, nay, i NEED the ki43! (teh one wit teh 20mms!) and maybe one of teh tanks.

To yeager,

%^&# you too,  j/k  :lol  see red26's post, also even if we did get it no "nukes" whatsoever, nvr evr, evr.............nvr


To captkaos,

sry bout that i was in middle of muh VB class, and was runnin out of time, them italians planes totally sliped muh mind, we only got two o' them, and one of those two nvr gets used, they could really use the planes that you mentioned.

To Karnak,

tx for teh info, learn sumthin enw everyday:D

To Masherbrum,

i totally forgot the mig! i was sittin there bustin muh brain wut else russia could use, and the mig nvr even crossed muh mind, tx!

to all, ty for the feedback


-Boss Yoshimbo

Offline mentalguy

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Re: My Revised Wish List
« Reply #8 on: August 21, 2006, 07:58:08 PM »
Originally posted by Yoshimbo


- russian 4 engine bomber
2x 20 mm ShVAK cannons (dorsal and tail turret)
2x 12.7 mm UBT machine guns (engine nacelles)
1-2x 7.62 mm ShKAS machine guns (nose turret)
Up to 4,000 kg (8,800 lb) of bombs
Could carry one 5,000 kg (11000 lb) bomb QUAH!

Anyone else think this is funny?

The B29 is one of the reasons the perk system is in the game.
PFC. Corey "Mentalguy" Gibson

Offline Yoshimbo

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« Reply #9 on: August 21, 2006, 08:03:51 PM »
IF, and i mean, IF we did get the b29,  all we would evr see is begging for nukes, NO NUKES, b29 would have to perked like 5k, but what i would like to see if we got it is those tall boy bombs, now that would be a sight.

but like red26 said it ain't gonna happen, too many complications,

of course you nvr know wut the future may hold.

Offline mentalguy

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« Reply #10 on: August 21, 2006, 08:09:30 PM »
You dont get the irony do you? The Pe-8 Is a rip-off of the B29.

Yes we will get it in the game, eventualy, no denying that. I personaly would like to see some other things first.(PBY):aok
PFC. Corey "Mentalguy" Gibson

Offline Bossk

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« Reply #11 on: August 22, 2006, 06:50:45 AM »
dont forget about the dutch airforce:

fokker G1
fokker D21

- the fokker d21 was sold in high numbers to Finland, where it saw action
  vs the Sovjet Union

- the dutch airforce shot one third of all german transportplanes in ww2

for more information:

Offline Sikboy

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Re: My Revised Wish List
« Reply #12 on: August 22, 2006, 08:55:44 AM »
Originally posted by Yoshimbo
D4Y Suisei aka "Judy"
- judy judy judy... i see why so many want it now, it is a faster val that carries mor bombs! 1.7k lbs worth, i would say to bring the D4Y2a simply for the fact that the rear gunner has sumthin better than a 7.7mm MG instead he has a 13mm MG much better, so u got 2x7.7mm in front and a 13mm in back, yay!

I find this list complete and acceptable! It gets the -SB- stamp of approval:


You: Blah Blah Blah
Me: Meh, whatever.

Offline Bogie603rd

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« Reply #13 on: August 22, 2006, 09:56:49 AM »
Originally posted by Yoshimbo
to bogie603rd,

yes i realize this, and if i could hlp i would, and I'm not demanding that this all be implemented asap, i am simply sharing that which i would like to see put into the game, these are sum of the things i'd like to see down the line, eventually. except for the Ki43 omg i want, nay, i NEED the ki43! (teh one wit teh 20mms!) and maybe one of teh tanks.

That does make a difference, thanks for telling me before I jumped on ya.:D We still on for a war?
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Offline Karnak

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Re: Re: My Revised Wish List
« Reply #14 on: August 22, 2006, 10:01:14 AM »
Originally posted by mentalguy
Anyone else think this is funny?

The B29 is one of the reasons the perk system is in the game.

Pe-8 is not the copy of the B-29.  That was a Tupolev effort, so no, not funny.
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